Pharmacoeconomics Flashcards
What is pharmacoeconomic research?
Process of identifying, measuring, and comparing costs, risks, benefits of programs, services, or therapies determining which alternative produces best health outcome for resource invested
What is a direct cost in PE?
medical or non-medical cost
What is a time cost in PE?
refers to time lost due to illness or to treatment
What is a intangible cost in PE?
refers grieve, sorrow, mental illness associated with therapy/disease
What are examples of indirect non-medical costs?
lost wages (morbidity)
income forgone because of premature death (mortality)
What are some examples of direct non-medical costs?
family care
home aides
What are some examples of direct medical costs?
laboratory tests
Healthcare professionals’ time
What are some examples of intangible costs?
What are some examples of opportunity costs?
Lost opportunity
Revenue forgone
Explain cost minimisation analysis
Cost = $
Consequence/outcome = $
Drugs must be bioequivalent
Cost effectiveness analysis
Cost $
Outcome/consequence = clinical outcome
Compare 2 drugs from different pharm class
Cost utilisation analysis
cost = $
Outcome/consequence = no. QALY added
Used for chronic conditions
Cost benefit analysis
Cost $
Consequence $