Pharmaceutical Terminology - D,E,F Flashcards
A unit of measurement equal to the mass of a hydrogen atom.
Dividing a group of physicians and other potential subscribers for a certain category of drugs into ten segments based on anticipated prescription volume.
Delivery Mechanism
Often used interchangeably with route of administration, but more specifically refers to the method through which a drug is delivered to the intended organ or receptor site within the body.
This term is used to define a product discussion with a physician.
Drug Information Association - An organization in which healthcare professionals exchange information on the discovery, development, evaluation, and utilization of drugs.
A test which indicates the presence of disease.
Artificial removal of waste products from the body.
Diastolic Pressure
The lower reading obtained when blood pressure is measured.
Redistribution of molecules and compounds to reach equilibrium.
The search for molecules or compounds that can produce therapeutic results.
Disease Management
Programs to diagnose, educate, and/or provide ongoing health status supervision to people with diseases or conditions in order to prevent exacerbation of their health problems and unnecessary consumptions of healthcare resources.
During pharmaceutical development, the delivery of the drug to target areas of the body following absorption.
Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid - A molecule the encodes operating instructions for bodies.
Doctor of Osteopathy - Emphasize a holistic approach to health, focusing on the role of the musculoskeletal system in illness.
How much of, and how frequently, a medication should be taken.
How much of a medication is given to a patient at a time.
Dose-responsive Curve
A representation of the clinical effect of a medication, versus the dose given.
Drug Delivery
The way in which the drug enters the body, such as orally, through an IV, by inhalation, or by injection.
Duration of Action
Time period where the medication effects persist.
Effective Dose - Drug dose that causes a defined magnitude of response in a given subject.
The degree to which a medication produces a therapeutic effect.
Establishment Inspection Report
Via metabolism and excretion, the removal of medication from the body.
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbant Assay