Pharma Flashcards
Aerosol delivery drugs
Metered dose - has a spacer for drug expansion Nebulizer - face mask if physical capability is diminished Dry inhaler
B2 adrenergic - activate camp Muscarinic - prevents Methylzanthine
Targets Lung smooth muscle, many secondary effects Epi - Isoproteranol SABAs Albuterol Terbutaline - only sub q drug Metropoterenol LABA Salmeterol 50 x more selective than Alb Formoterol Patient compliance over time with not taking anti inflammatory concurrent with beta 2
Anti cholenergic asthma drugs
Competitive muscarinic antagonists Ipratropium Tiotropium
Aminophylline Act on the lung adp receptors Very narrow therapeutic index High drug interaction i
Corticosteroids for asthma
Most potent inflammation reducers available Not direct broncho dialators Activation of the glucocorticoid receptors reduces three inflammatory pathways. Oral Prednisone High rate of side fx Inhaled Beclomethasone Fluc Ciclesimide Aerosolized, inactivated if ingested
leukotriene pathway receptor
Aspirin and exercise induced asthma Can be combined with glucocorticoids to reduce steroid use Can be hepatotoxic so levels must be monitored. Aspirin causes increased leukotriene by blocking transformation of arachadonic acid to cox
Leukotriene inhibitor !,,
Smoking cessation
Nicotine replacement, Dopaminergic!!!@@@@
phosphodiesterase 4!inhibitor that preserves cAMP in lung tissue to maintain airways
drug interactions
salmeterol & cyp3a4 drugs
Filtration requirement of diuretics
Most diuretics must be filtered into the kidney by way of the glomerulus, so if you have renal failure, diuretic efficacy is reduced… Higher doses are required, therefor risk of toxicity is higher.
prevents high altitude sickness. Prevents carbonic anhydase action, therefore h2co3 doesn’t break down, doesn’t feed the NHE3 transporter, doesn’t allow Na resorption in the proximal tube… Effects will be counteracted later on in the kidney by ambitious Na exchangers later on. Very specific uses
creates a false glycouria, creates osmotic pressure in the urine, pulls H2o out
loop diuretics
More potent because they are acting further down the nephron and less compensatory effect is possible. .. Poisons the Cl portion of the NKCC2 transporter This has the secondary effect of keeping K in the lumen, thus allowing K to be excreted. Tertiary effects Keeps Mg and Ca in the lumen
diuretic dose response
the first dose of a loop or thiazide agent is most effective, because within a fairly short period of time the Rest of the kidney will modify its resorption over time
thiazide diuretics
act in the distal tube, disrupts the NCC transporter which keeps both NaCl in the lumen… Has the secondary effect of increasing calcium resorption. See first aid page 508. Looks like low intra cellular Na boosts the function of the baso lateral Na Ca exchanger, increasing Ca reabsorption.
dosing diuretics for BP
thiazides are credited for high BP reduction. Looks like its actually a thiazide drug…. Turns out the lowest effective does is all that is required to dump BP.
complications of diuretics
populate this list
interconnected ions
Mg and K are linked. If one is low