Path Flashcards
Give a quick breakdown of sarcoid
**Disease **
Forms Noncaseating granulomas in many tissues - hilar lymphadonopathy, lung eye and skin
Etiology and Pathogenesis
Unknown, probaby immune regulation failure after exposure to environmental agent
T-cells accumulate and give off cytokines such as IL-2, INF-y, TNF (so high in lungs it is diagnostic)
**Morphology **
Noncaseating granulomas (schaumann and asteroid bodies like TB)
Lungs, Lymph, Spleen, Skin lesions
Insideous onset respiratory abnormalities including hemoptysis,
Describe asbestos related diseases
Fibrous plaques, or diffuse pleural fibrosis
Pleural effusions
Parenchymal interstital fibrosis
Lung Carcinoma
Some lung neoplasms
**Pathogenesis **
Serpentine and amphibole fibers, the latter being worse
Exacerbates carcinogenic effect of smoking
Prussian blue to stain ferruginus bodies
Clinical Course
Dyspnea, productive cough, lower lobe density. Asbestosis with other cancers is lethal.
H. Influenzae
Otitis media
H. Influenzae
Strep pneumonia
Otitis externa
Group A strep Diphtheria (pseudo membrane) stops protein synthesis by affecting ADP
H. Influenzae
Staph A,
Common cold
Enveloped negative sense RNA capable of genetic drift
Community acquired URI with conjunctivitis
Adenovirus Big in the military, can cause serious infection and death
Epstein Barr DNA virus,
replicates is respiratory b-cells and specifically in their nucleus
Acute “typical” pneumonia
Strep Pneumoniae (1)
Staph Aureus (2)
Pseudemonas (burn victims)
Atypical pneumonia
Chlamydia pneumonphila
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Older folks
Ohio river
Mississippi, south Easter us
San Joaquin valley
Renal Cell carcinoma
Diagnostic Features
Costovertebral pain, Palpable mass, Hematuria
Risk factors
60+, Men, Smoking 2:1
Large mass in one pole of kidney
Orange color, hemorrhage, necrosis and cystic change
Common metastasis, Lung>Bone>Lymph
Can invade vein and form a floating line to the heart.
Clear Cell Carcinoma
The most common Renal Cell Carcinoma
98% sgiw sgirt arm Chromasom 3 deletion
Gene deletion prevents normal breakdown of protein leading to angiogenic factors like VEGF, PDGF, TGFa
Papillary Carcinoma
Frequently multifocal
associated with trisomies 7, 16, 17 and loss of Y
composed of low columnar cells arranged in papillary formations
Cystic Diseases of the kidney
Most common are
Auto Dominant
Auto Recessive
Auto Dominant PKD
1~600 live births
renal function retained till 50
mutation of PDK1 gene worse than PDK2
PDK2 associated with Ca2+ channels
Kidneys can be 4kg, grossly distended
Clinical Features
Hematuria, proteinuria, “Dragging sensation”.
At risk
Blacks, men, hypertensive
Additional Concerns
Liver cyst, berry aneurysms, Mitral valve prolapse
Auto Recessive PKD
Primary gene abnormality is PKHD1 - fibrocystin (function unknown)
External appeance is normal, cysts are internal, cuboidal lined derived from collecting ducts.
Major concern is associated Liver Fibrosis