pharm Flashcards
dex indications
- Bronchospasm associated with acute respiratory distress not responsive
to nebulised Salbutamol - Moderate AND severe croup
- Acute exacerbation of COPD
Fentanyl analgesia - specific indications (6)
Analgesia – IV/IN
- History of hypersensitivity or allergy to morphine
- Known renal impairment / failure
- Short duration of action desirable
- Hypotension
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Severe headache
Fent Precautions (PR_RICE_KO)
- Elderly/frail patients
- Impaired hepatic function
- Respiratory depression, e.g. COPD
- Current asthma
- Patients on monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- Known addiction to opioids
- Rhinitis, rhinorrhea or facial trauma (IN route)
what is the half life of Heparin?
60 minutes
- Bleeding disorders
- Oral anticoagulants
- oesophageal varices
- Recent trauma or surgery (< 3 weeks)
- Known allergy or hypersensitivity
- Active bleeding (excluding menses)
- Severe hepatic impairment / disease, including
- History of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopaenia (HIT)
heparin side effects (4)
- Bleeding
- Bruising and pain at injection site
- Hyperkalaemia
- Thrombocytopaenia (mild to severe)
penthrane CI (5)
- Pre-existing renal disease / renal impairment
- Concurrent use of tetracycline antibiotics
- Exceeding total dose of 6 mL in a 24 hour period
- Personal or family history of malignant hyperthermia
- Muscular dystrophy
In patients with muscular dystrophy, volatile agents may precipitate lifethreatening
dex indications
- Bronchospasm associated with acute respiratory distress not responsive
to nebulised Salbutamol - Moderate - severe croup
- Acute exacerbation of COPD
morphine CI
- hypersensitive
- renal impairment/failure
- late second stage labour
Ondansetron side effects
- Tachycardias
- Seizure
- QT prolongation
- Widened QRS
- Extrapyramidal reactions
- Visual disturbances
- Constipation
- headache
- Fever
- Dizziness
salbuatmol indications
Respiratory distress with suspected bronchospasm:
- asthma
- severe allergic reactions
- smoke inhalation
- oleoresin capsicum spray exposure
stemetil side effects (B-sheds)
Drowsiness Blurred vision Hypotension Sinus tachycardia Skin rash Extrapyramidal reactions (usually the dystonic type)
Stemetil IM onset, peak, duration times
IM effects
Onset: 20 minutes
Peak: 40 minutes
Duration: 6 hours
stemetil contraindications (CCCPP)
- Circulatory collapse (cool, pale, clammy skin, tachycardia, hypotension)
- CNS depression
- Previous hypersensitivity
- Patients < 21 years of age
- Pregnancy
stemetil precuations (HEP)
- Hypotension
- Epilepsy
- Pts affected by alcohol or on anti-depressants
ondansetron onset, peak and duration times for ODT and IV
Onset: 2 minutes
Peak: 20 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
IV Onset: 5 minutes Peak: 10 minutes Duration: between 2.5 and 6.1 hours IV doses should be delivered as a slow push (minimum 30 seconds).
ondansetron precautions (5)
- Patients with liver disease should not receive more than 8 mg of Ondansetron per day
- Care should be taken with patients on diuretics who may have an underlying electrolyte
imbalance - Ondansetron contains aspartame and should not be given to patients with phenylketonuria
- Concurrent use of Tramadol
- Pregnancy