Pharm 2 - Exam 1 Flashcards
Where does the larynx receive its blood supply from?
superior and inferior laryngeal arteries
The superior and inferiro laryngeal arteries are branches of the ________ arteries.
superior and inferior thyroid
What innervates the diaphragm?
phrenic nerve
What are the accessory msucle of repsiratrion?
sternocleidomastoids, scalenes
What muscles of the abdomen contribute to respiration?
rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis
The CC = ___ + ___
closing volume and residual volume
What is the closing volume?
the lung volume below which small airways begin to close during expiration
Is closure of small airways in the SUPERIOR portion of the lung during deep expiration normal due to gravity?
NO - it is normal in basal portions of the lung
Why is closure of small airways normal in basal portion of the lungs during deep expiraiton?
D/t gravity-dependent increase in pleural pressure at the bases and d/t lack of parenchymal support in distal airways
Does CC increase with age?
Why does CC increase with age?
D/t loss of structural parenchymal support tissue in the lung and an increase in RV
What is greater the increase in FRC or the increase in CC for elderly?
Does FRC increase with age?
How long can you manipulate the airway until brain damage?
4 minutes
How long does it take the CC to change?
very slowly over time
HOw long does it take the FRC to change?
changes minute to minute
What determines teh FRC change?
lung and chest wall
When does the CC exceed FRC in teh supine position?
by age 45
When does the CC exceed FRC in teh upright position?
What anesthetic does not decrease the elastic recoil of the chest wall?
WHy do anesthetics decrease the elastic recoil of the chest wall?
muscle relaxing effects
Anesthetics cause what to decrease?
Elastic recoil and FRC
Examples of respiratory resistance during perioperative period
secretion in ETT
partial circuit obstruction