Pharamcology Flashcards
Aspirin Pharmacology
An analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet aggregation agent
* To minimise platelet aggregation and thrombus formation in order to retard
the progression of coronary artery thrombosis in ACS
* Inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins - anti-inflammatory actions
Adrenaline Pharmacology
A naturally occurring alpha and beta-adrenergic stimulant Actions:
* Increases HR by increasing SA node firing rate (Beta 1)
* Increases conduction velocity through the A-V node (Beta 1)
* Increases myocardial contractility (Beta 1)
* Increases the irritability of the ventricles (Beta 1)
* Causes bronchodilatation (Beta 2)
* Causes peripheral vasoconstriction (Alpha)
Ceftriaxone Pharmacology
Cephalosporin antibiotic
Dextrose 10% Pharmacology
An isotonic crystalloid solution Composition:
* Sugar – 5% dextrose * Water
* Provides a small source of energy
* Supplies body water
Droperidol Pharmacology
Dopamine antagonist – antipsychotic medication with sedative effects. Also blocks α-adrenoceptors
Fentanyl Pharmacology
A synthetic opioid analgesic Actions:
CNS effects:
* Depression – leading to analgesia
* Respiratory depression – leading to apnoea
* Dependence (addiction)
Cardiovascular effects:
* Decreases conduction velocity through the A-V node
Glucagon Pharmacology
A hormone normally secreted by the pancreas
* Causes an increase in blood glucose concentration by converting stored
liver glycogen to glucose
GTN Pharmacology
Organic nitrate – relaxes vascular smooth muscle
Venodilaton promotes venous pooling and reduces venous return to the heart (reduces preload)
Arteriodilation reduces systemic vascular resistance and arterial pressure (reduces afterload)
Effects include:
*Reduced myocardial O2 demand
*Reduced systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure, whilst usually maintaining
coronary perfusion pressure
*Mild collateral coronary artery dilation may improve blood supply to ischaemic areas of myocardium
*Mild tachycardia secondary to slight fall in BP
*Pretermlabour: uterine quiescence inpregnancy
Ipratroprium Bromide Pharmacology
Anticholinergic bronchodilator
* Allows bronchodilatation by inhibiting cholinergic bronchomotor tone (i.e.
blocks vagal reflexes which mediate bronchoconstriction)
Ketamine Side Pharmacology
Anaesthetic agent with analgesic properties at lower doses.
Exact mechanism of action is unclear, but primarily works as an antagonist at N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Ketamine may also interact with opioid, muscarinic and other receptors. Produces a trance-like dissociative state with amnesia, with preservation of laryngeal and pharyngeal reflexes.
Methoxyflurane Pharmacology
Inhaled anaesthetic–produces analgesia at low concentrations, however the exact mode of action is unknown
Naloxone Pharmacology
An opioid antagonist
* Prevents or reverses the effects of opioids
Normal Saline Pharmacology
An isotonic crystalloid solution
* Electrolytes (sodium and chloride in a similar concentration to that of extracellular fluid)
* Increases the volume of the intravascular compartment
Prochlorperazine Pharmacology
Dopamine antagonist – antiemetic effects are primarily due to D2 receptor blockade.
Also acts on other neurotransmitter systems including histaminic, cholinergic and α-adrenergic receptors
Salbutamol Pharmacology
A synthetic beta adrenergic stimulant with primarily beta 2 effects
* Causes bronchodilatation
Lignocaine 1% Pharmacology
Sodium channel blocker – interrupts impulse conduction in peripheral nerves and stabilises excitable cell membranes
Midazolam Pharmacology
Short acting CNS depressant (benzodiazapine)
* Anxiolytic
* Sedative
* Anti-convulsant
Ondansetron Pharmacology
Release of serotonin (5-HT) is thought to trigger a vomiting reflex in both the peripheral (GIT) and central nervous system.
Paracetamol Pharmacology
Analgesic and antipyretic – exact mechanism of action is unclear; thought to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis in the CNS
Dexamethasone Pharmacology
A corticosteroid secreted by the adrenal cortex
* Relieves inflammatory reactions
* Provides immunosuppression
Hydrocortisone Pharmacology
Corticosteroid with approximately equal glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid effects
Olanzapine Pharmacology
Atypical antipsychotic – antagonist at multiple receptor sites, particularly serotonin (5-HT), dopamine, and histamine
Oxytocin Pharmacology
Synthetic pituitary hormone–stimulates uterine muscle contraction. Uterine atony is the most common cause of PPPH
Morphine Pharmacology
An opioid analgesic
CNS effects:
— Depression (leading to analgesia)
— Respiratory depression
— Depression of cough reflex
— Stimulation (changes of mood, euphoria or dysphoria, vomiting, pin- point pupils)
— Dependence (addiction)
Cardiovascular effects:
— Vasodilatation
— Decreases conduction velocity through the A-V Node