Indications Flashcards
Adrenaline Indications
S Severe asthma - imminent life threat not responding to nebulised therapy, or unconscious with no BP
I Inadequate perfusion (cardiogenic or non-cardiogenic/non- hypovolaemic)
C Cardiac arrest - VF/VT, asystole or PEA
C Croup
A Anaphylaxis
B Bradycardia with poor perfusion
Aspirin Indications
Ceftriaxone Indications
Suspected meningococcal septicaemia
Severe sepsis (consult only)
Dexamethasone Indications
B Bronchospasm associated with acute respiratory distress not responsive to nebulised Salbutamol
A Acute exacerbation of COPD
A Adult stridor (non-foreign body obstruction)
M Moderate - severe croup
Dextrose 10% Indications
Diabetic hypoglycaemia (BGL < 4 mmol/L) in Pts with an altered conscious state who are unable to self-administer oral glucose
Droperidol Indications
Moderate agitation or behavioural disturbance
Fentanyl Indications
sx4 CA (cricket australia)
Sedation to faclitate intubation
Sedation to maintain intubation
Sedation to facilitate transthoracic pacing
Sedition to facilitate synchronised cardio version
CPR interfering patients
Analgesia IV/IN
Glucagon Indications
- Diabetic hypoglyceamia (BGL <4 mmol/L) in pts with an altered conscious state who are unable to self-administer oral glucose.
- Anaphylaxis (adult) where patients remain hypotension following adrenaline therapy with past history of heart failure or patients taking beta blocker medications
GTN Indications
- Chest pain with ACS
- Acute LVF
- Hypertension associated with ACS
- Autonomic dysreflexia
- Preterm labour (consult)
Hydrocortisone Indications
Acute adrenal insufficiency
Ipratroprium Bromide Indications
- Severe respiratory distress associated with bronchospasm
- Exacerbation of COPD irrespective of severity
Ketamine Indications
I Intubation
S Sedation; agitation, patient movement during CPR
A Analgesia
Lignocaine 1% Indications
C Chest decompression in patients with GCS >10 MICA only
Local anaesthesia to reduce pain associated with:
- Intramuscular administration of ceftriaxone
- IO admin in conscious patient (MICA only)
Methoxyflurane Indications
pain relief Analgesia
Midazolam Indications
7 xS
- Status epilepticus
- Sedation to enable intubation (RSI, IFS)
- Post intubation sedation
- Sedation to facilitate sychronised cardioversion
- Sedation to facilitate transthoracic pacing
- Sedation in the agitated patient (including patients under the Mental Health Act 2014)
- Sedation in the psychostimulant OD
Morphine Indications
Pain Relief
Sedation to maintain intubation
Sedation to facilitate intubation
Naloxone Indications
Known or suspected narcotic overdoses with inadequate respiratory function
Normal Saline Indications
T. Fluid TKVO for IV administration of emergency drugs
R. As a replacement fluid in volume-depleted patients
A. As a fluid challenge in unresponsive, non-hypovolaemic, hypotensive patients (other than LVF). e.g. asthma
C. Cardiac arrest secondary to hypovolaemia or where the patient may be fluid
E. To expand intravascular volume in the non-cardiac, non-hypovolaemic hypotensive patient e.g. anaphylaxis, burns, sepsis
D. Fluid for diluting and administering IV drugs
Olanzapine Indications
Mild Agitation
Ondansetron Indications
U Undifferentiated nausea and vomiting
P Prophylaxis for spinally immobilised or eye injured patients
Oxytocin Indications
Primary postpartum haemorrhage PPPH
Paracetamol Indications
Mild pain
Prochlorperazine Indications
Nausea and vomiting in patient >21 for
- known allergy to ondansetron
- vestibular nausea
Salbutamol Indications
Respiratory distress with suspected bronchospasm:
- asthma
- severe allergic reactions
- smoke inhalation
- oleoresin capsicum spray exposure