PHAK CH 5 (Aerodynamics Of Flight) Flashcards
In Unaccelerated Level Flight the Four Forces Are?
Thrust Equals Drag and Lift Equals Weight
The sum of all forward forces equals the sum of all backwards forces
The sum of all upward forces equals the sum of all downwards forces
Anytime a Flight Path is Not Horizontal….
Lift, weight, thrust, and drag vectors must each be broken down into two components.
Lift provided by the wing or rotor is the primary lifting force
Weight is the primary downward force.
Angle of Attack (AOA)
The angle at which the chord line of the aircraft’s wing meets the relative wind.
The Three Speed Regimes of Flight
Low Speed Flight, Cruising Flight, and High Speed Flight
Critical Angle of Attack (AOA)
If speed is decreased enough that the AOA has to be increased, in an attempt to create a lifting force that balances out the weight of the aircraft, the AOA can be increased too much and boarders into the critical AOA.
The Critical AOA: is the angle at which the wing/plane is over pitched and can no longer gather proper airflow, for lift to balance out the weight if the aircraft, Lift begins to diminish rapidly
Extra Vigilance is required at reduced thrust settings and low speeds, so as not to exceed the critical angle of attack.
CL max Critical AOA
When the aircraft reaches the maximum AOA, lift begins to diminish rapidly. This is the stalling AOA.
CL increases until the critical AOA is reached, the decreases rapidly with any further increase in the AOA.
The Shape of the Wing or Rotor cannot be Effective unless….?
If continuously keeps “attacking” new air, if an aircraft is to keep flying it, the lift producing airfoil must keep moving across the lifting surface.
Lift is Proportional to?
The square of the aircraft’s velocity. Thus velocity is an important component of lift, which can be affected through varying AOA.
Parasite Drag
All of the Forces that Work to Slow an Aircraft’s Movement.
Form Drag, Skin Friction Drag and Interference Drag
Form Drag
Due to the aircrafts FORM/shape and the airflow around it.
Examples include: antennas, engine cowlings, wings
Interference Drag
Nooks and Crannies, LITTLE STUFF
Intersections of airstreams, that create eddy currents, turbulence, or restricts smooth airflow.
Skin Friction Drag
Is the aerodynamic friction due to the contact of moving air with the surface of an aircraft.
Screws, tiny stuff, Keeping surfaces of the aircraft clean and free of dirt
Induced Drag
Is drag that is a by product of lift
Wing Tip Vortices
The rotational flow of air at the tips of an aircrafts wing tips due to pressure equalization and lateral flow from the underside to the upper surface. (IS NOT BLOCKED BY THE FUSELAGE, SPILLAGE OF AIR OFF OF THE FUSELAGE, path of Least Resistance)
FROM THE TAIL: the vortices circulate counterclockwise about the right tip and clockwise off the left tip. OUT (from under plane), UP and AROUND.
As the wing tip vortices roll off the back of the wing, they angle down, which is known as downwash.
More downwash more induced drag
More Induced Drag in the Air
Less Induced Drag Closer to the Ground
Aircraft create maximum wingtip vortices with max strength occurring during the takeoff, climb, and landing phases of flight.
Induced Drag is worse at?
Lower Speeds, Increased AOA (this creates greater flow of air under the wing = more violent air vortices)
Parasite Drag is Worse at?
Higher Airspeed
The Center of Gravity must be where?
CG is has a great bearing on the stability of the Plane
Forward of the Center of Lift (CP) for equilibrium
Avoiding Wake Turbulence
Stay Over, and Above their Flight Path
Allow Roughly 3 minutes of Separation for Wake Turbulence to Disperse
Rotate prior to their Rotation Point
Avoid Flying in or Below their Path (1,000ft)
Touch Down after the Point the Aircraft’s Touchdown Point
Wake Turbulence can be Affected by Wind How?
Wake Turbulence can drift with the wing at the speed of the wind.
Ground Effect
Ground effect is due to the interference of the ground (or water) surface with the airflow patterns about the aircraft in flight; because the vertical component of the airflow around the wind is restricted by the surface. This alter’s the wings updrafts, downwash and wingtip vortices.
Air that is trapped between the wing and the landing surface is called ground effect. HELPFUL HAND/AIR CUSHION
**ONLY when the Wing Is CLOSE to the GROUND, LESS Than the Wing Span **
Ground Effect During Takeoff
Ground Effect causes an increase in the local pressure at the static source and produces a lower indication of airspeed and altitude. Aircraft may seem like it can become airborne at a speed well below take off speed, due to the reduction in drag, in some cases the aircraft could take off and then fall back down again
Aircraft Leaving Ground Effect Might Experience:
Require an Increase in AOA to maintain the CL
Experience and increase in Induced Drag and Thrust Required
Experience a Decrease in Stability and a Nose-Up Change in Moment
Experience a Reduction in Static Source Pressure and Increased in Indicated Airspeed
Caused by excess speed at the point of flare, Because of the increase in lift from ground effect.
3 Axis’ of the Plan
(How, What, and Control)
Longitudinal: rolling ailerons
Lateral: pitch elevator
Vertical: yaw rudder
3 Axis’ of the Plan
(How, What, and Control)
Longitudinal: rolling ailerons
Lateral: pitch elevator
Vertical: yaw rudder
Moment and Moment Arm
A body that is free to rotate will always turn about its CG (this tendency is known as a Moment)
A moment is equal to be the product of the force applied and the distance at which the force is applied.
A moment arm: is the distance from a datum, [reference point] to the applied force.
In weight and balance it is weight x arm = moment
Is the inherit quality of an aircraft to correct for conditions that may disturb its equilibrium and to return to or continue on the original flight path.
Maneuverability: maneuvered easily and withstand the stresses imposed by maneuvers
Controllability: the capability for the plane to respond to pilot control inputs.
STATIC: the Planes Initial Tendency or Reaction to Input
DYNAMIC: the Planes Response to Input over time
Three Types of Static Stability
Positive: the initial tendency for the plane to return to the original state of equilibrium return to equilibrium
Neutral: the initial tendency for the plane to remain in the new condition after its equilibrium has been disturbed stays with the new input
Negative: the initial tendency for the plane to continue away from the original state of equilibrium after being disturbed gets worse
Three Types of Dynamic Stability
Positive: over time the motion of the displaced object decreases in the amplitude and returns to the equilibrium state.
Neutral: once displaced the object neither increases of decreases in amplitude, does not return to the equilibrium state.
Negative: over time the motion of the displaced object increases and becomes more divergent gets worse
Static Longitudinal Stability
Longitudinal Stability (Pitching Motion): is the most sensitive to instability. An unstable longitudinal aircraft will have the tendency to dive or climb steeply and can be in danger of a stall. Making it difficult and dangerous to fly.
This is achieved through reversible movement between the nose and the tail. (Downwash on the Horizontal Stabilizer, Pg 5-16: Figure 5-24)
This is dependent on Three Factors:
1. Location of the Wing with Respect to the CG
2. Location of the Horizontal Tail Surfaces with Respect to the CG
3. Area or Size of the Tail Surfaces
When the outer tips of the wings are higher than the wing roots, (angles up from the fuselage to the wing tip)
Contributes to a stable roll due to a side slip; when the gust comes from the side, the wing slipping into the direction of the wind is subject to an increase in AOA and develops an increase in lift. The wing away from the wind is subject to decrease the angle of attack, develops a decrease in lift: this change in lift creates a rolling effect which raises the windward wing thus contributing to a stabilized roll.
Lateral Stability
Lateral Stability helps to stabilize the “rolling effect” when one wing gets lower than the other wing.
Sweep back
Keel Effect
Weight Distribution
Sweepback and Wing Location
The angle of sweepback (angle of the leading edge/dihedral) high wing 5 degree of effective dihedral
This is why the wing acquires more lift, rises and the aircraft is restored to its original flight attitude.
Keel Effect and Weight Distribution
Keel Effect: high wing aircraft are laterally stable simply because the wings are attached in a high position on the fuselage, the fuselage behaves like a keel exerting a steadying influence on the aircraft laterally about the longitudinal axis.
Fuselage weight acts as a pendulum returning the aircraft to the horizontal level.
Directional Stability
Yawing Motion
Stability about the Vertical Axis (the sideways movement or yaw)
most easily achieved in aircraft design
Stabilized through the Vertical “Fin” Stabilizer *acts as a weather vane and reorients (points the nose) with the relative airflow
What Type of Wings does the Cessna 172S have?
Why is that Important?
Rectangular Wings
Good Stall Recovery (important for training aircraft); because they tend to stall at the wing root first and provides adequate stall warning, adequate aileron effectiveness, and is quite stable.
Favored for low cost, low speed airplanes.
Forces in Turns
Two Forces: Vertical Component of Lift and Horizontal Component of Lift
In a Bank/ Turn: Lift acts in the direction of the bank/turn. The Horizontal component also called centripetal force of lift is the force that pulls the aircraft from a straight flight path to make it turn. The Vertical component of Lift Supports Against Gravity
Since the component of lift is separated into two forces, the amount of lift fighting gravity is reduced. Meaning an addition of AOA is needed to maintain level flight in turns /banks
The nose is lagging behind the Turn/Bank, Rudder Usage is Not Enough decrease bank or increase rate of turn (more speed)
The Nose is moving ahead of the turn, *reduced the rate of Turn (speed) or increase the bank)
Skidding Ahead
Why do we climb out with full power?
Why that angle of Climb?
Because of the forces of a climb in flight the plane is experiencing reward and downward drag, (due to the aircraft’s weight)
That angle is used because it allows the plane to develop excess thrust in order overcome the weight, when excess thrust is gone the aircraft has hit it’s absolute ceiling
Forces in Descents
When the aircraft is tilted forward in a descent, the AOA is decreased causing lift to decrease weight is now greater than lift and the airplane descends
An aircraft stall results from a rapid decrease in lift caused by the separation of airflow from the upper surface of the wing the wing’s surface brought on by exceeding the critical AOA
In a stall the wing cannot generate enough lift/ airflow to maintain the weight of the aircraft
An Aircraft will always stall at the same AOA regardless of AIRSPEED, WEIGHT, LOAD FACTOR, OR DENSITY ALTITUDE
Three Flight Situations Stalls are Most Likely to Occur?
Low speed, High Speed and Turns
The Dangers of Ice…
Can change the Chamber of the Wings (if allowed to accumulate), Lift is reduced (its also heavy as fuck),
Smaller aircraft are the most at risk, because they fly at lower altitudes where ice is more prevalent. And they lack anti icing mechanisms
Basic Propeller Principles
A propeller is a rotating wing, The Pitch is arguably the blade angle.
The engine provides the power needed to rotate the propeller blades and the propeller transforms rotary power of the engine into forward thrust.
FIXED PITCH PROPELLER: set by the manufacturer; only effective at a given combination of airspeed and engine RPM (NOT adjustable in flight)
Air deflection from air striking the propeller causes the dynamic pressure at the engine side of the propeller blades to be greater than atmospheric pressure, creating thrust. The area of drecreased pressure is in front of the Propeller
Thrust is the result of the propeller shape and the AOA of the blade
Why are propeller blades twisted?
the OUTER parts of the propeller (the tips) travel faster than the portions near the hub.
The twisting of the blade allows the AOA of the Propeller to remain constant
What is Torque?
The left turning tendency of the airplane (made up for four elements)
Spiraling Slipstream
Gyroscopic Precession
How does Torque occur?
Explained by Newton’s Third Law
The propeller is rotating in one direction and the opposite force is trying to pull the propeller in the opposite direction yawing it to the left ADJUSTED THROUGH USE OF RIGHT RUDDER
Spiraling SlipStream
The high speed rotation of the propeller gives a corkscrew of spiraling rotation to the slipstream. This air then Strikes the Vertical Stabilizer and yaws the plane to the left (Adjusted with Rudder Usage)
Gyroscopic Precession
Gyroscopes work through rigidity in Space A FORCE APPLIED IS ACTED UPON 90 DEGREES INTO THE TURN
Precession is the resultant action, or deflection, of a spinning rotor when a deflecting force is applied to its rim. The force takes effect 90 degrees ahead of in the direction of its rotation.
(DURING TAKE OFF) When flying with a higher AOA the downward moving blade “bites or scoops* more air than the upward moving blade (MOVES FASTER). Increases the center of lift on the right side, yawing the plane to the left.
Load Factor
Is measured in G’s
ANY FORCE that is acted on an aircraft to deflect its flight from a straight line, this is the load factor.
3 x the weight (aircraft, person etc…)
Pilots can imposed dangerous overload to the aircraft’s structures
Increase in the load factor can increase the stalling speed
Load Limits Factors and the Factor of Safety
Limit load factors were designed to determine the highest load factors that can be expected in normal operational situations. These *based on the CFR (code of federal regulations) the aircraft structure must be able to support 1.5 of the limit load factors without failure (some small structural damage may occur) this is know as the FACTOR OF SAFETY.
Load Factors in STEEP TURNS
At a constant altitude the load factor is the result of two factors centrifugal force and weight.
Load Factor increase exponentially after 50 degrees.
The Higher the Speed the Slower the ROT (rate of turn).
Load Factors and STALLING SPEED
An aircraft’s stalling speed increases in proportion to the square root of the load factor (at least double) thus:
Dangers Occur in:
In a steep turn or spiral
When intentionally stalling an aircraft above its design maneuvering speed tremendous load factor imposed
Stall Speed or Va
Mostly for Fixed Wing Aircraft: Va = the designed maneuvering speed, the maximum speed at which the airplane can be safely stalled, or the speed at which you can safely fully deflect any flight control surface (one time) for one axis (yaw, pitch or roll) in smooth air without risk of damaging the aircraft.
Critical Flight Maneuvers and apply to all flight maneuvers except unaccelerated straight flight where the LOAD FACTOR is 1G ALWAYS PRESENT
Full Application of pitch, roll or yaw controls should be confined to speeds below the maneuvering speed.
Load Factors in SPINS
A stabilized spin is not different from a stall in any element other than rotation, same load factors apply as in Stall Recovery
Usually airspeed is very low in spins (typically within 2 knots of stall speed)
An Aircraft Pivots, rather than turns in a spin
Two Types of Load Factors in Aircraft Design
Limit Load: force that is applied to the aircraft structure that cause bending of the structure that DOES NOT return to its shape.
Ultimate Load: at what point the aircraft experiences structural failure
Rate of Turn (ROT)
The number of degrees of heading change that an aircraft experiences in a given amount of time. how long it takes to turn
Any increase of airspeed is directly proportional to the time the aircraft takes to travel an arc.
The CG is important because of…?
Stability, Controllability, and Performance
Maximum Allowable Takeoff and Landing Weights
Manufacturers set standards for allowable weight.
Determined on the basis of its maximum allowable takeoff and landing weights.
a heavier gross weight requires a longer take off run & shallower climb, at touchdown it creates a faster touchdown speed and a longer landing roll
An Overweight Aircraft = overheating during climbs, added wear on engine parts, increase in fuel consumption, slower cruise speeds, and reduced range
Maximum Allowable Takeoff and Landing Weights
Manufacturers set standards for allowable weight.
Determined on the basis of its maximum allowable takeoff and landing weights.
a heavier gross weight requires a longer take off run & shallower climb, at touchdown it creates a faster touchdown speed and a longer landing roll
An Overweight Aircraft = overheating during climbs, added wear on engine parts, increase in fuel consumption, slower cruise speeds, and reduced range
Effect of the Position of the CG
Forward CG= nose heavy, is slower than the same aircraft, more drag, because of a needed higher AOA, Produces a Higher Stall Speed, less fuel efficient, more stable
Aft CG= Tail heavy, less drag (lessened AOA for cruise), faster cruise speed, harder stall recovery, less controllable, more fuel efficient (AFT Limit- so stall recovery can occur)