Pg 44 Flashcards
What is adverse possession?
Uninvited intruders that meet certain criteria can get legal title to land and divest the owner of the title holder’s rights
Where does the title come from in adverse possession?
The statute of limitations for trespass
What is the rationale behind adverse possession?
To punish landowners that are not diligent and to award possessors that are
For adverse possession, what happens if the owner doesn’t within the statutory period take actions to eject the possession?
Title vests in the possessor and the true owner loses possession
What is an adverse possessor?
Someone that occupies the real property of another either with or without the knowledge of the other’s rights in a way that gives the owner a cause of action for ejectment
What are the major elements that must be proven for adverse possession?
1. PHYSICAL: – actual – open – notorious – exclusive
– hostile - TIME:
– continuous possession for statutory period
If you get title by adverse possession is it marketable?
Not unless the adverse possessor vindicates his rights in court. That removes the risk that title would be subject to a challenge by a prior legal title holder. If it hasn’t been adjudicated in court, the buyer is buying a lawsuit because the previous holder can contest all legal issues related to the adverse possession claim. The title gotten by the adverse possessor is a legal title, but it is not marketable until it is perfected
What is involved in the element of adverse possession for “actual“?
There must be substantial occupation of the land that leaves physical evidence.
Ie: fencing, building, visible marks of use such as mowing the grass.
Test: did the adverse possessor use the land as a true owner usually would in the circumstances?
What is involved in the “open and notorious“ element for adverse possession?
There must be visible evidence that the land is being possessed in order to put the rightful owner on reasonable notice of the possession. The occupation must apprise the world that the land is being occupied, and convey visible notice to the community of its exclusive use.
Is it necessary for the element of “open and notorious“ for adverse possession that the owner actually discover the possession?
No, all that is necessary is that there be visible evidence that would have been discovered from a reasonable inspection. The landowner has to either know about the possession or should have known about it.
What is the minority position on adverse possession regarding property taxes?
The adverse possessor must pay taxes on the property in order to claim adverse possession
What is involved in the “exclusive“ element for adverse possession?
The possessor must have dominion and control over the land.
Possession cannot be shared with the owner, but there can be more than one co-adverse possessor, or the adverse possessor can have exclusive possession over one parcel or portion of the land and the owner over the rest.
How does underground possession of land relate to adverse possession?
The owner’s title extends from the surface to the center, but actual possession is only on the surface. This means the owner must be able to see the adverse possession. Cavities underground do not allow the owner to see, so the SOL would start on the date that the trespass became known
What is involved in the “hostile“ element for adverse possession?
The possession is without permission from the owner through either an express or inferred act. This means that the possessor acts in a manner that is inconsistent with the owner’s rights and claim the land as his own
Does the adverse possessor‘s motive or state of mind matter for adverse possession?
No, all that matters is a physical relationship to the land. It is still considered to be hostile even if the adverse possessor falsely believes he has a good title
If a possessor gets any type of permission from the owner, how does that relate to adverse possession?
It destroys the hostility element of adverse possession
What is a likely indicator that some kind of permission was given to an adverse possessor enough that it would destroy adverse possession?
Any discussion between the occupier and the owner likely gives permission, although just knowing about the possession does not destroy hostility
What is the length of the requirement for the element of “hostile” for adverse possession?
The duration of the applicable SOL
If an adverse possessor got permission to be on the land in the final year of the SOL, what happens?
That destroys hostility
If a relationship was originally that of landlord-tenant, and then becomes one of adverse possession, when does the SOL for adverse possession begin?
After the termination of the tenancy, which means after the last rent payment was made
Are minimal non-structural encroachments such as fences, shrubs, or lawn-mowing across the boundary considered to be adverse enough for adverse possession?
What are the two different ways that you can get hostility as an element of adverse possession?
– Claim of right
– colour of title
How do you meet the hostility element for adverse possession through a claim of right?
The adverse possessor moves onto the land and claims it as his with an intent to make the land his or a belief he has a rightful claim
How do you meet the hostility element for adverse possession through colour of title?
Through a deed or conveyance instrument that appears to convey title or appears to be facially valid, but it doesn’t actually. This means that the adverse possession believed his actions were lawful.
What is an example of someone meeting the hostility element for adverse possession through colour of title?
A forged deed being given by a fake seller
Some statutes will reduce the possessory period for adverse possession when what?
It was through colour of title. This could mean something like instead of 20 years, there only needs to be seven
What are the current range of periods of adverse possession SOLs?
Between 5-30 years
California: five years and you must pay property taxes during the possession
What is the difference between entering as an adverse possessor to land when you don’t have colour of title and entering when you do reguarding the amount of land you get?
– Color of title: this puts the adverse possessor in constructive possession of all the property described in the deed as long as the portion is reasonable in proportion to the property actually possessed. If he is farming 80 out of 100 acres, he gets all 100 through adverse possession. This means the adverse possessor can take possession of just a part of the land, but claim title to the entire parcel
– no color of title: the adverse possessor can only claim the land he actually possessed. If he farmed 80 out of 100 acres, he only gets 80
What is involved in the element of “continuous possession for the statutory period“ for adverse possession?
The possession must continue without a significant interruption for the period of the limitation.
Once the SOL expires for adverse possession, the possessor’s possession ripens into what?
Good title automatically by operation of law.
Is it OK to have brief or ordinary absences and still claim adverse possession?
Yes such as leaving overnight, going to town, or going on vacation. That does not break the possession
Is seasonal use of land enough to claim adverse possession?
What are situations when the SOL would be tolled for adverse possession?
If the owner is someone that the SOL does not run against, such as the government, someone that is insane, an infant, a prisoner, someone in active military duty, someone out of the state, etc then the SOL doesn’t run
In order for the SOL not to run against a possessor of land because of a tolling reason, the disability must have existed when?
At the time the adverse possessor entered the property
At common law what is the SOL for adverse possession?
20 years.
There is no majority rule today, so if the essay does not say the length the adverse possession, use the common law 20 years
What is required in order for there to be tacking for adverse possession?
There must be privity or some connection between the first adverse possessor and the later ones
What does an adverse possessor acquire through adverse possession?
Whatever interest the rightful owner had
If an adverse possessor gets possession of a life estate, and the owner of the life estate dies, what happens?
The land passes to the person that had a future interest, and the adverse possessor then has nothing
If there has been estate bifurcation, such as the owner has sold oil rights and then moved away, and someone went into adverse possession, what has he acquired?
Just the land without the oil rights because that is all that the actual owner had
What is the mnemonic to remember the elements for adverse possession?
ONE CHA - open – notorious – exclusive – continuous – hostile – actual