Petronius - A Spooky Story Flashcards
cum adhuc servirem, amare coepi Melissam,
When I was still a slave, I began to love Melissa
uxorem Terentii cauponis, pulcherrimum bacciballum.
the wife of the innkeeper Terentius, the most beautiful little peach.
huius contubernalis ad villam supremum diem obiit.
Her partner met his last day at the country house.
itaque per scutum per ocream egi aginavi quemadmodum ad illam pervenirem:
And so I acted by shield or by greave and I plotted how I might reach her:
nam in angustiis amici apparent.
for it is in emergencies that friends are revealed.
forte dominus Capuam exierat ad negotium expediendum.
By chance my master had gone to Capua to sort out [some] business
ego occasionem nactus persuadeo hospiti nostro ut mecum ad quintum miliarium veniat.
I, having seized the opportunity, persuaded our guest to come with me to the fifth mile.
erat autem miles, fortis tamquam Orcus.
Moreover he was a soldier, brave as hell.
apoculamus nos circa gallicinia; luna lucebat tamquam meridie.
We set off around the cock-crow; the moon was shining like it was midday.
venimus inter monimenta: homo meus coepit ad stelas facere; sedeo ego cantabundus et stelas numero.
We came among the monuments, my man began to go towards the tombstones; I sat singing and counted the tombstones.
deinde ut respexi ad comitem,
Then, when I looked back at my companion,
ille exuit se et omnia vestimenta secundum viam posuit.
he stripped off and placed all his clothes beside the road.
mihi anima in naso esse; stabam tamquam mortuus.
My soul was in my nose; I was standing as though dead.
at ille circumminxit vestimenta sua, et subito lupus factus est.
But he piddled around his clothes and suddenly he was turned into a werewolf.
nolite me iocari putare; ululare coepit et in silvas fugit.
Don’t think I’m joking; he began to howl and fled into the woods.