Ovid - Dipsas the sorceress Flashcards
est quaedam (quicumque volet cognoscere lenam, audiat)
There is a certain woman (and whoever wants to learn about a procuress should listen)
est quaedam nomine Dipsas anus
there is a certain old woman with the name Dipsas.
ex re nomine habet
She has her name from her nature:
nigri non illa parentem Memnonis in roseis sobria vidit equis
she has never seen black Memnon’s mother on her rosy horses [whilst] sober.
illa magas artes Aeaeaque carmina novit,
She learned the magic arts and spells of Aeaea,
inque caput liquidas arte recurvat aquas;
by her art she turns back flowing waters to their source;
scit bene quid gramen, quid torto concita rhombo licia, quid valeat virus amantis equae.
She knows well what power each herb possesses, or moving threads on a whirling wheel, or the fluid from a mare in heat.
cum voluit, toto glomerantur nubila caelo;
When she wants, clouds gather across the whole sky;
cum voluit, puro fulget in orbe dies
when she wants, the sun shines in a clear sky.
sanguine, si qua fides, stillantia sidera vidit
I have seen (if you can believe it) the stars dripping with blood;
purpureus Lunae sanguine vultus erat.
even the face of the moon was red with blood.
hanc ego nocturnas versam volitare per umbras suspicor
I think that, transformed, she flies through the shades of night
et pluma corpus anime tegi.
and her old woman’s body is covered with feathers.
suspicor, at fama est
I think this, and it’s the rumour.
oculis quoque pupula duplex fulminat
Also in her eyes double pupils flash lightning
et gemino lumen ab orbe venit.
and light comes from both eyes.
evocat antiquis proavos atavosque sepulcris
She can summon great- and great-great-great grandfathers from ancient tombs
et solidam longo carmine findit humum
and split open solid ground with a long spell.