PET GW Flashcards
PET brain RP
10-20 mCi
Image 30-40 mins after inj
F18 FDG method of localization
Active transport
Pet brain pt prep
fast minimum 4 hours prior
BG <200 mg/dL - can be given insulin if BG is over limit
Quiet, dimly lit room
PET brain abnormal findings
Tumor - intense FDG uptake
Interictal - reduction of tracer uptake in seizure focus
Ictal - focal hot areas or seizure focus
Dementia - decreased uptake of parietal, temporal, and frontal cortex
PET amyloid brain imaging RP
F18 Florbetapir (Amyvid)
PET bone RP, dose, injection to image time
F18 sodium fluoride (NaF)
5-10 mCi
30-45 minutes
PET bone is sensitive for Mets for both _____ and _____
Osteoblastic and osteolytic cancers
What PET RP can be used as an alternative to labeled WBC and Ga67 imaging
Cardiac PET 82Rb dose, method of localization, half life
60 mCi each rest and stress
75 seconds half life
Potassium analog - taken up by sodium potassium adenosine triphosphate pump
Cardiac PET N13 dose, method of localization, half life
15-20 mCi both rest and stress
10 minute half life (cyclotron must be nearby)
Diffuses across cell membrane
How is rubidium 82 produced
Sr82/ru82 generator
How is N13 produced
-must have cyclotron near facility due to short half life
Cardiac PET F18 FDG dose, half life, injection to imaging time
5-15 mCi stress and rest
110 min half life
Image 30-40 mins after injection
Cardiac PET F18 FDG localization
Fatty acid is hearts main energy source, then glucose.
Glucose loading is used for FDG uptake into heart
PET tumor imaging
F18 FDG 5-20 mCi