Personallity Flashcards
Sum of interactions with environment
What is the best way one can observe personality
By combining self and observations
Does the ‘big 5 personality model’ work best in small groups?
No it works worse in small remote groups
name the 5 personalities
Conscientiousness - indicates succes and satisfaction
Emotional stability - indicates succes
Extraversion - Predicts leaders
Openness to experience - effective leaders
Agreebleness - succes but lower pay, satisfaction
Organizational citizenship behaviour
Core self evaluation
leads to satisfaction and preformance
Self monitoring
adjust behavior to external factors
leads to high preformance and abandon job searches sooner
Situation strenght theory
Strenght of situation predicts if someone will show behaviour or not
Strong: shows what right behaviour should be
Trait activation theory (TAT)
Situations can force someone to show behavior
Believe about what is right or wrong
Does job fit work in collective countries?
No not as well
Hofstedes framework
Discribes the differences between cultures
Attitude is?
Evaluation statement
Three parts of attitude
Cognative = think/evaluate Affect = feeling Behaviour = acting
What is cognative dissonance
Difference between two attitudes/behaviours
How does cognative dissonance work?
People will try to reduce it, a big rewards might allow for it
What leads to high engagement?
Feeling appreciated or a good manager
Emotional intelegence leads to
Does pay predict satisfection?
Only if it’s enough, afterwards it doesnt matter (no)
CSE (core self evaluation) leads to
Higher performance
Does satisfaction lead to OCB, what is OCB?
Yes it does, organizational citizen behaviour
What will follow after dissatisfaction?
Exit, Voice, loyality (people believe the problem will solve itself), or neglect
What is CWB
Counterproductive work behavior, they do this to even the score
What is the impact of bad job market on low satisfaction -> afwezigheid
This moderates the effect
Job embededness is?
The amount you see yourself as important for the job, this reduced intent to leave
What is motivation?
Intensity of wanting to achieve a goal
hierarchy of needs (Maslow)
Physiological security Belonging Esteem Self actualization
What is two factor theory?
Satisfied/not satisfied dissatisfied/not dissatisfied
Explain McClelland theory of needs
- Need for achievement, care only for responibility, feedback and mid risk
- Need for power > leaders
- Need for affiliation > leaders
Self determinant Theory
Intrinsic motivation is more important that extrinsic, Volunteer work over paid
Cognitive Evaluation Theory
Same as self determinant theory
Self Concordance theory
People persue goals
Goal setting theory:
goals with feedback lead to higher performance
harder goals better performance, own feedback is beter than outside feedback
What is goal commitment?
People who make their goals public benefit from this in motivation
Task character
Simple goals are beter than complex goals
National character of goal setting theory
In collective countries people like easy goals more than hard
What is promotion focus?
Strive to achieve
What is prevention focus?
People strive not to fail
What is MBO?
Management of objectives, managers should set goals
What is self Efficacy theory?
People who believe they can achieve will perform beter
How does one increase self efficacy
- Enactive mastery: experience
- Vicarious modeling : seeing others do the task at hand
- Verbal pronunciation
- Arousal: but this might lead to hurry
Pygmalion effect:
Management tends to spend more time on someone who they believe will be succesfull and therefor make him/her succesfull
Reinforcement theory:
Behavior is a function of consequence
Behavior follows stimuli
Social learning theory:
We learn by others and own experience
Equity theory:
People tend to compare their inputs/outputs with others and adjust
What does organizational justice consist of?
- distributative justice: how is pay dist.? it’s beter to pay the best more
- Procedural justice: process should be fair
- Informational justice: are decisions shared with personel?
- interpersonal: treated with respect
Overal this has a high impact on performance and satis fection
Exlectancy theory:
Effort performance, performance reward, rewards personal goal. this is how people but in more effort if they think they will be rewarded
Job engagement
Effort one puts in to create performance, mostly based on beliefs of meaning
Job charactearistic model
- skill variety
- task identity
- task significant
- autonomy
- feedback
JCM (job char. model) leads to
motivation> job satisfection
Lowers satisfection
Increase motivation by:
- job rotation > reduces boredom, motivation inc.but may reduce production
- rational job design
- flextime > increases profit if called worklifebalans
- job sharing
- telecommuting> might feel lonely, out of sight out of mind, more hours worked
Employee involvement and participation EIP
uses employee’s input to increase motivation
Representative participation
Small group represents workforce, feels if employees feel actually represented
Important that people feel it’s high enough
Piece-rate pay
get paid by piece, high motivation and performance
Merit based
worse in high performance
Highly motivational, but can become normal
Profit sharing
increases performance
Stock sharing
Increases satisfaction and performance
Internal motivation
Best for the longterm