Emotions Flashcards
Broad range of feelings people experience, concists of moods and emotions
Less intens feelings felt over longer periods of time
Strong feelings experienced from something direct
Why is it difficult to represent emotions
facial expressions can’t encompass everything, cultures might express differently
Discribe the dif. between collectivism and individualistic cultures on emotions
col: emotions are adressed at me Ind: not the case
Moral emotions
emotions with moral implications
Possitive affect
Mainly emotions as alert, excited, alated happy and on low sad depressed bored fatigued
Negative affect
upset stressed nevrouw tense, low content, serene, relaxed, calm
positive offset
zero is a positive emotion
Negative emotions worse of beter in collective countries
Beter, also causes less death
explain how emotions make us rational
They give context to our world, negative emotions help us find the truth
moral judgements are based on
difference in judging in and out group
Outgroup harder
what effects emotions(affect)
Time of day, day of week(overal weekends best, monday worst except japan), weather (illusory correlation) stress, sleep(beter for mood and discision making). exercise, age(beter the older), sex(women more intens, less powerfull than male)
Emotional labour
Emotion expressed that work disired, high correlation with effective job preformance
surface acting
showing fake emotion (leads to exhaustion, stress, fewer ocb, decreased job sat. )
Perception is:
The process by which an induvidual interpeter their sensory impressions to give meaning
Perception is influenced by:
Perceiver (we see what we want to see and group, morning manager sees morning people as good others bad)
Target (we group things and make judgements based on this)
Context (the moment matters alot, pyjama meeting)
Attribution theory
Tries to discribe if behaviour is INTERNALLY of EXTERNALLY caused, based on:
Distrinctiveness: does he show behaviour in different situations as well?
Consensus: do other people show the behaviour?
Consistency: does he always show this behaviour?
Fundamental attribution error:
Tendency to underestimate EXTERNAL FACTORS and overestimate INTERNAL
self serving bias:
Own succes is internal, failure external
Selective perception:
We can’t see all so we notice what we know or what stands out
Halo effect
We base a whole person based on 1 charactaristic
Contrast effect
We judge people higher lower than people we recently met/know
Judge people based on the group you believe they belong to
Discrepancy between current and wanted state of being
Rational decision model:
6 step model that requires complete info and rationality def. problem identify criteria allocate weight alternatives evaluate alternatives select best
Bounded rationality
Can’t grasp full complexity
An unconsious process created out of distilled experience (emotion)
Overconfidence Bias
We overestimate our abilities when making decisions
especially less intelligent people
Anchoring Bias
We fixate on initial information
Conformation bias:
We seek information that matches our beliefs
Availability bias
Often we make judgement based on information available
Escalation of commitment
When we feel responsible we will ignore failure and hold true to initial beliefs
Randosness error bias
We believe we control random events
Risk aversion
People tend to avoid risk, people with higher power tend to have more, but it moderates innovation
Hindsight bias
Thinking you had predicted the future
EDIT::: How does personality effect?
Achievement driven tend to ignore failure (esc of commitment) and hindsight bias
Gender effect decision?
With stress men become more egocentrical, women more empathetic and decision making improves
How does intelegence effect decision making?
Higher levels beter with higher chance of anchoring, overconfidence, escalation of commitment
Does Culture effect desicion making?
US rationality is valued, but make more intuative choices. if you focus on problemsolving you notice problem earlier. And are less willing to accept the problem
trying to influence a decision
Decision only based on the outcome, often to do good
Laws and juctice effects decision making
protect free speech and steer decisions
Behavioral ethics
How people behave faced with ethical dilemma
People have a hard time detecting lieing
Three stage model of creativity:
Causes of behaviour
Creative behaviour: problem formulating, info gathering, idea generation, idea evaluation
Creative potential:
Intelegence : beter
Personallity: openness is most, proactive as well, confidence, risk taking, perseverence, high core self evaluation as well
Ethics, nothing, cheaters might be more creative
Creative environment
Internal drive is most important, but work should reward as well, freedom as well, inspirational leaders,
Creativity leads always to outcome?
No has to be implemented, often best when people have big network