Personality disorders Flashcards
Define what personalitiy disorder means
disintegrated, fixed and concrete organisation of the mental, moral and social qualities of an individual
Paranoid personality disorder (A)
excessive sensitiveness to setbacks and rebuffs, persistently bears a grudge, suspicious – may misconstrue actions as hostile, tenacious sense of personal rights, suspicious regarding fidelity of partner, excessive self-importance
Schizoid Personality Disorder (A)
social detachment, emotional coldness or detachment, finds few activities pleasurable, limited capacity to express feelings, indifference to praise or criticism, little interest in sexual experiences, preoccupation with fantasy and introspection = eccentricity, lack of desire for relationships
Dissocial (antisocial) Personality Disorder (B)
callous unconcern for feelings of others, disregard for social norms, rules and obligations, unable to maintain enduring relationships, low tolerance for frustration, low threshold for violence and aggression, incapacity to experience guilt, blames others
severe form of antisocial pd, characterised by antisocial behaviour, callous disregard and lack of empathy
Emotionally Unstable (Borderline) Personality Disorder (B)
Impulsive type: Emotional instability and lack of control, Outbursts of violence and threatening behaviour are common especially in response to criticism
Borderline type: Emotional instability, Chronic feelings of emptiness, Intense unstable relationships – repeated emotional crisis, Suicidal threats or self-harm
Histrionic Personality Disorder (B)
Self-dramatization – theatricality, Seeks excitement – centre of attention, Suggestibility, Shallow and labile affect, Inappropriate seductiveness, Over concern with physical attractiveness
Anankastic (obsessive-compulsive) Personality Disorder ©
Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organisation and schedule, Perfectionism interferes with task completion, Pedantic, rigid and stubborn, Insists others submit to their ways of doing things, Reluctant to allow others to do things, Intrusion of unwelcome, insistent thoughts or impulses.
Anxious (avoidant) Personality Disorder ©
Pervasive tensions and apprehensions, Believe they are socially inept, unappealing or inferior to others, Preoccupation with being criticised or rejected – social situations, Unwillingness to become involved, Avoidance of activities involving interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism, disapproval or rejection.
Dependent Personalitiy Disorder
Allows others to make important life decisions, Subordination of own needs to those of others on whom they are dependent, Fear of being abandoned, Uncomfortable or helpless when alone, Fear inability to care for themselves.
Prominent problems with type A
The prominent problems are with the perceived safety of interpersonal relationships
Prominent problems with type B
The prominent problems are with keeping feelings tolerable without acting
Prominent problems with type C
The prominent problems relate to anxiety and how it is managed (in relationships)
what diagnostic interveiws are done?
IPDE = international personality disorder examination) and questionnaires (PDQ = personality disorder questionnaire)
genetics, trauma, emotional, negative affectivity, affective instability, emotional dysregulation, Inherited tendencies towards anxiety, emotional instability, reactivity, sensitivity, self-consciousness and being easily upsettion,
what does Pharmacology do?
Pharmacotherapy directly influences personality disorders, exerts an effect over core or nuclear symptom clusters, exerts its therapeutic effect by treating comorbid Axis I disorders
what are the effective ingredients of psychotherapy treatment?
structured, enhance complicance, clear focus, theoretically coherant for bothe patient and therapist, long term, powerful relationship, intergrated in other services for the patient.
what is Mentalisation based therapy?
process by which we make sense of each other and ourselves, implicitly and explicitly, in terms of subjective states and intentional varied mental processes