HX taking, MSE and making a diagnosis Flashcards
what would you ask about related symptoms? (questions below are how/what to ask for the categories of the psychiatric hx)
what other changes hhave your parents/partner/family/friends noticed in you? Ask about specific symptoms, systemic enquiry.
what would you ask about psychotic symptoms?
“Have you seen or heard anything that other people have not been aware of?” “Have you heard any people talking when there was nobody around?” What do they think is causing them? Does it seem possible? Beware commands.
how to ask about beliefs/thoughts
“Has anything particular been playing on your mind?” “Do you know why is this happening?” “Have you noticed any change in your thoughts?” “Has anyone interfered with your thoughts?” “Does anyone else have access to your thoughts?”
past psychiatric hx
Past episodes/ diagnoses / contacts, Previous treatments (psychological, drug and physical), Inter-episode functioning, Previous admissions to hospital, Attempted suicide/ repeated DSH, Previous detentions under Mental Health Legislation
family hx
Parents, siblings, grandparents etc, Age, employment, circumstances, health problems, quality of relationship, Major mental illness in more distant relatives is important, Genogram can be helpful
past medical hx
Developmental problems, Head injuries, Endocrine abnormalities, Liver damage, oesophageal varices, peptic ulcers , Vascular risks factors
current and recent medicationn hx
Ask about tablets and injections, Ask about medication recently , Any drugs discontinued (within past 6 months) , Ask how long medication has been taken for and at what dose, Ask about adverse reactions and allergies
social hx
Social circumstances including occupation, Current financial situation/stressors, Smoking/Alcohol/illicit drug use, Current relationship/stressors, Children - contact
alcohol and illicit drug hx
Regular or intermittent, Amount (know the units), Pattern, Dependence/ withdrawal symptoms, Impact on work, relationships, money, police, Screening questionnaires eg CAGE
personal hx
Developmental milestones, Early life, Schooling, Occupational, Relationships (sexual & marital history), Financial, Friendships, hobbies and interests
forensic hx
“Have you ever been in contact with the police? Charged with any crime?”, Offences including sentences, Recidivism, Particular attention to violent or sexual crimes
premorbid personality
Difficult to be comprehensive, Emphasis on consistent patterns of behaviour, interaction, mood, Importance of corroboration, “How would your best friend describe you as a person?”
Height/Build , Clothing - appropriate/inappropriate, kempt, bizarre, Personal hygiene - clean/unshaven/malodorous, Make up, jewellery, accessories
Greeting , Non verbal cues, Gesturing - normal, expansive, bizarre, Abnormal movements - tremor, choreioathetoid movements, posturing, akathisia, Cooperative, rapport
Eye contact, Affect – objective manifestation of mood at i/v, Mood rating – subj & obj; rate out of 10; Psychomotor function - retarded, agitated