Personality Disorders Flashcards
-Pervasive pattern of orderliness and perfectionism; inflexibility. -Unlike OCD, patient not distressed
-Social withdrawal -Restricted range of emotions in interpersonal settings. -Infrequently present to healthcare. Classic loner - #unibomber
-Inflated self-image, grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy. -Believe special, unique, of high status -Highly vulnerable to criticism. -More often in males
-Overly emotional, dramatic. -High degree of attention seeking behavior. Tend to exaggerate -Dependent, immature, seducive, labile. - #tami
-Social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for close relationships -Eccentric behavior - #WillyWonka
-Pervasive distrust and suspicion of others. Defensive, oversensitive, secretive. -Blame problems on others. -Quick to anger
-Unstable, unpredictable mood, affect and behavior as well as poor self-image. -Mood swings, impulse control issues. Appears in chronic state of crisis. Alternating between extremes. -Suicidality common -So removed from reality as to be borderline psychotic -Fear of abandonment -DBT
-Inability to conform to social norms and strong tendency to commit unlawful acts. -Pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights and feelings of others -Manipulative, deceitful, impulsive, lacking empathy or remorse, -Charming, seem normal in person - #tedbundy
Antisocial Personality Disorder