Personality Disorders Flashcards
What personality disorder is characterized by a overwhelming need of admiration, lack of empathy & hypersensitive to evaluation of others believing they have primary importance in everybody’s life?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive distrust & suspiciousness of others & assume that others intend to exploit, harm or deceive them & think they are scapegoated (blamed)?
Paranoid Personality disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by attention seeking behavior & extreme emotionality & are very dramatic?
Histrionic Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by deformation from social relationships, defect in ability to form personal relationships or to respond to others in any meaningful way & are serious about everything?
Schizoid Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by a disregard for other peoples rights, are socially irresponsible, exploitive & guiltless behavior?
Antisocial Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by having a great difficulty establishing & maintaining close relationships w/ others, have bizarre speech & behavior & believe they can read minds?
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by unstable moods, behaviors, relationships, impulsiveness, manipulation, have brief psychotic episodes & problems regulating emotions & thoughts?
Borderline Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by complying/acting appropriately but actually behaving negatively & passively resisting?
Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of & fear of being alone, want acceptance of others & excessively rely on others for emotional support?
Dependent Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by feelings of inadequacy extremely sensitive to what others think about them & rejection, are socially withdrawn & shy?
Avoidant Personality Disorder
What personality disorder is characterized by preoccupation w/ orderliness, perfectionism, rules, are inflexible on how things should be done & have a difficult time making decisions & fear of making a mistake?
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person has an exaggerated sense of self-worth, looks for someone who will cater to their ego, lack humility, are self-centered/demanding/perfectionist, are grandiose & believe they have inalienable rights to receive special consideration, are entitled to special rights & privileges & are superior to others. And may response w/ rage if they don’t get the feedback they want?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person is always on guard, ready for any real or imagined threat, are tense & irritable, always feel like other are going to take advantage of them, they trust no one & are constantly testing honesty of others, don’t take responsibility, & can have aggressive, violent brief outbursts?
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person has a difficult time keeping a job & stable relationship, is cold, callous, lack warmth/compassion but are suspicious of others, are restless, easily bored, immune to danger, can be charming when they want their way & if don’t get it are easily provoked to attack, trust only themselves, do not obey the law, low tolerance & frustration, & often use projection?
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person wants to be the center of attention, show somatic & dependent signs, require constant affirmation of approval & acceptance from others, are overly gregarious, manipulative, strongly dependent, can portray a carefree/sophisticated or inhibited/naive persona, mild pathological form & have a difficult time maintaining long-lasting relationships?
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person is aloof, socially withdrawn, cold, indifferent to others, prefer isolation, unsociable, shy, anxious, uneasy in presence of others, difficulty experiencing pleasure, bland, constricted, have no facial expressions, & are resistant to praise?
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person is directly/indirectly self-destructive, always seem to be in a state of crisis, have little tolerance of being alone, reckless behavior, shows clinging behavior then develop dependency to them or shows distance behavior w/ hostility/anger, are self-mutilative, often say they are going to commit suicide & manipulate & split staff?
Borderline Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person may have illusions, suspicions, depersonalization, aloof, isolated, apathetic, magical thinking, delusion of reference, if under stress will decompensated & demonstrate brief psychotic symptoms, talk & make gestures to self, & laugh inappropriately about things that should be sad?
Schizotypal personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person feels unwanted by others, have anger towards self, depression/anxiety is common, mistrusting, lonely, avoid work, school, socialization w/ no clear cause, selfless, don’t like to fail, are awkward/uncomfortable in social situations, slow speech, hesitation, & desire companionship but is hard for them?
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person is rigid/unbending about rules/procedures, over disciplined, intelligent, polite, stubborn, work diligent, meticulous, use undoing, reaction formation, isolation, intellectualization, & rationalization as defense mechanisms?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person has low self-esteem, internal void, assume passive submissive role in relationships, have an urgent urge to find a replacement if relationship ends, have a tendency to let people make decisions for them, tolerate mistreatment, demean oneself, lack self-confidence, can’t be assertive when they need to be, underplay own attractiveness/achievements, fearful & vulnerable, avoid responsibility, & have low self-worth?
Dependent Personality Disorder
Name this personality disorder: this person procrastinates, is deliberately inefficient, forgetful, stubborn, argumentative, defend their own rights, & may appear one way but acts another way?
Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder
What does NOS stand for?
Not Otherwise Specified
An illusion is…
an image
An allusion is….
a thought