personality disorders Flashcards
what are the clinical features for personality disorder? and how is it defined
problems w identity and sense of self
chronic interpersonal difficulties
gradual development ( not in response to something sudden) of inflexible /disordered personality /behavioural patterns =>persistently maladaptative ways of perceiving/ coping /thinking about world.
what is cluster A of personality disorder??
paranoid PD:
- paranoid
- out of ordinary
- eccentric
extremely suspicious & mistrust other
->lead to general pervasive interpersonal relationship
-> socially detached
-> difficult relating to others
see self as blameless
-> held grudges, don’t forgive
chronically tense, alway look out to validate expectations/suspicions
always on guard for perceived attack by others
what is cluster B for personality disorder?
Narcissistic PD
- narsicist
- antisocial
- borderline
- > struugle relating to other people
- > dramatic /threatening/ erratic
- > lack empathy
grandiosity, exaggerated sense of self, self entitlement, need constant attention
preoccupied/fantasy of attention, power, success, love beauty
self promoting believe they’re special and unique, arrongant flagile self esstem
lack of emptahy, interpersonally exploitative
what is the cluster C of personlaity disorder??
avoidant PD
- avoidant
- dependent
- OC
- > fear personal relationships
- > reluctant to socialise
- > think themselves as inept, inferior, unattractive
hypersensitive to rejection, negative evaluation,social derogation
shyness/socially inhibited
insecurity in social interaction and irritating relationship
not limited to one occasion, linked to sense of self
=> similar to social phobia
what are the five personality traits and it’s relation to pd?
openess extraversion neurotism consientisounses agreeableness
pd = extreme levels of normal personality traits
limitations: severity: how do we decide when a trait is extreme
pervasiveness: difficult to measure and show
why limitation/ difficulties
new area of study 1980
high level comorbidy
what are the characteristics of BPD?
impulsivity (sex, spending, eating)
anger, instability and unpredictability (self image)
incomple stable self identity
-> extreme response to events, intense emotion shifting
history of stormy/intense relationships (all or nothing), effort to avoid abondement
chronic boredom, taking high risk
self destructive behaviour, self mutilation/suicide
what are the common causes of BPD?
large number of negative /traumatic events from young age: abuse neglect, separation, loss
early problematic relationship/ attachment
temperament vulnerability
-> influence emotional personality dev.
multidimentional diathesis stress theory
what about the dialectic behavior therapy (DBT)?
marcha linehan
‘dialectic’ balance help find belance between chnag eand acceptance
baseb on CBT ,adapt to meet specific need of indv
-work on emotion intensity (tolerate /accept/regulate feeling and emotions) and thus change harmful behaviour
deals with self harm and drug/ alcohol usage
place importance on relationship
focus on acceptance
what are the risk of parental personality disorder in child development?
- genetic transmission // intergenerational transmission
- vulnerability to environmental stress; maltreatment, incident risk through maternal behavior, disorganised fam
-parental sensitivity effect on brain chemistry and formation of attachment
what is borderline personality disorder defined as??
persistent pervasive behavioral, cognitve, emotional dysregulation.
defined by:
impulsivity, identity disturbance, problematic interpersonal relationships, suicide/self-injury, identity disturbance
- among most severe and perplexing behavioral disorder
what is the biosocial theory
Linehan (1993)
biological vulnerabilities + psycho risk factors =developmental psychopathology approach
- BPD=emotion dysregulation disorder. emerges from interplay of bio vulnerabilities + environmental influences
- high emotional sensitivity
- inablity to reguate intense emotional responses
- slow returnemotional baseline
emotion dysregulation –> lead to dysfunctional response pattern during emotionally challenging events
invalidation dev context -> intolerance to expression of private emotional experiences
which reinforces:
-extreme expression of emotion
- child thinks emotional display are unwanted-
-emotions should be coped internally without support
=> child do not learn to understand/label/regulate/tolerate emotional responses instead learn to swşng between emotional inhibition and extreme emotions
+ do not learn to solve problem leading to emotional reaction
what is antisocial personality disorder
- failure to comform to social norms
- consistent irresponsibility and lack of remorse
- impulsivity failure to plan ahead
- irritability/ aggressiveness restless, disregard safety of self and other
- history of conduct problem
antisocial personality disorder diagnostic criteria
age 18 and over
more than 3 behavioral problem accouring after 15 y
more than 3 deviant behavioural before 15
causal factors of ASPD and psychopthology
genetic influence: fearless x unemotional traits
-low fear and impaired fear conditioning
punishment insensitivity
reward oversensitivty
MOA-A gene: involved in breakdown of neurotransmitters: serotonin- dopamine -neuroperaphrine
gray’s biological psychologcal motivationla theory of theory
fight and flighsystem:
- behavior activation system ‘go system’
- associated w approach, reward-seeking, sensitivity to appetite stimuli and ‘anticipatory pleasure’
- dopamine
*behavioral inhibitory system ‘stop system’
associated w avoidance behavior response to threat/ novel stimuli, sensitivity to punishment and goal conflict
-associated w assessment, rumination and anxiety
serotonin, noradrenaline
what is the risk profile of antisocial personality??
overctive BAS, high sensition, reward seeking, risk taking behaviour
underactive BIS fearlessness, punishment insensitivity, impaired distress
poor response to modulation, overactive BAS x underactive BIS
study on emotion processing in psychopaths
known that ASPD, osychopath and violent indv-> problem w negativ emotion recognition and empathy
Davidson et al
measure emotion and bodily reactions:
- heart rate
- skin conductance
- cortisol level
- eye gaze, fixation
- startle reflex
- > reflect that you show when presented with white noise
results: adult psychopaths process emotional stimuli in abnormal way
- don’t feel negativity of negative pics
- high response to neutral pics (boredom, aversive)
- very low response to positive pics
what are the possible treatment for psychopathy and ASPD?
- indv no motivation to chnage
- diffcult treatment
- no drug treatment
- CBT traget: increase self control, self critical thinking , perspective taking, victim awareness, anger management, changing AS attitude, cure addiction
AS personalities show improvement
insight into self defeating actions
change w age unlike psychopathy
intervention and prevention for ASPD and psychopathy?
prevention tragetting development and environmental risk factors
-emotion recogntion training
- focus on positive influence of schooling /education
early intervention:
training at risk motors (
parent management training (PMTD)
what does BPD and APD have in common?
‘mirror image’ disorder
overlapping clinical features. instability and poor anger control
10-47% BPD meet ASPD criteria
70% BPD display antisocial behaviour vice versa
BPD and ASPD 2% in pop
ASPD 80% male and BPS % woman
psychosocial causes of ASPD and psychopathy
early parental loss parental rejection neglect abuse inconsistency in rearing practices hostile parents