Personality Changes in Elderly Flashcards
Personality is…
Relatively enduring styles of thinking, feeling, and acting that characterize an individual
The biggest controversy in personality research is whether personality
stays stable or changes across the lifespan
This controversy is maintained due to (2)
oContradictory folk beliefs
oContradictory research findings
What are the 2 levels of analysis as outlined by McAdams?
Level 1: Traits
Level 2: Personal concerns
What are traits?
Enduring dispositions that show evidence of considerable genetic influence.
Trait theory focuses on the content of personality where the goal is to
identify and measure the most important traits
Traits theory does not (2):
discuss the origins of personality or try to tell the story of a person’s life
Trait theorists argue against considering what two things since traits are supposed to be stable across contexts and lifespan
context and experience
Traits are relatively
stable and enduring
Some traits are
more important than others
Personality traits exist on a
Which traits are most important? OCEAN?
o Openness to Experience o Conscientiousness o Extraversion o Agreeableness o Neuroticism
Each trait consists of 6
sub-traits or facets
What facets make up N? (6)
Facets (Emotions)
1. Anxiety – worry about things/relaxed most of the time
2. Hostile (anger) – get angry easily/rarely get irritated
3. Self-conscious – am easily intimidated/am not embarrassed easily
4. Depression – often feel blue/feel comfortable with myself
Facets (Behavior)
1. Impulsiveness – often eat too much/easily resist temptations
2. Vulnerability – panic easily/remain calm under pressure
These Facets make up what trait?
- Fantasy (imagination) – have a vivid imagination/seldom daydream
- Aesthetics (artistic interests) – believe in the importance of art/do not like poetry
- Action (adventurousness) – prefer variety to routine/dislike changes
- Ideas (intellect) – like complex problems/avoid philosophical discussions
- Values (liberalism) – tend to vote for liberals/believe in one true religion
- Feelings (emotionality) – experience emotions intensely/seldom get emotional
Openness to Experience
What Facets are encompassed by extraversion? (6)
Facets (Interpersonal)
- Warmth (friendliness) - make friends easily/am hard to get to know
- Gregariousness – love large parties/prefer to be alone
- Assertiveness – take charge/wait for others to lead the way
Facets (Temperamental)
- Activity (activity level) – am always busy/like to take it easy
- Excitement Seeking – love excitement/dislike loud music
- Positive Emotions (cheerfulness) – radiate joy/am seldom amused
The following facets make up which trait?
- Trust – trust others/distrust people
- Straightforwardness (cooperation) – am easy to satisfy/have a sharp tongue
- Altruism – make people feel welcome/look down on others
- Compliance (morality) – would never cheat on taxes/use flattery to get ahead
- Modesty – dislike being venter of attention/think highly of myself
- Tender-Mindedness (sympathy) – sympathize with the homeless/believe in eye for eye
Conscientiousness is encompassed by the facets: (6)
- Competence (self-efficacy) – complete tasks successfully/misjudge situations
- Order (orderliness) – like order/leave a mess
- Achievement striving – work hard/do just enough to get by
- Self-discipline – get chores done right away/waste my time
- Deliberation (cautiousness) – avoid mistakes/rush into things
- Dutifulness – follow the rules/break rules
Costa and McCrae largely found stability across
the big 5 in early adulthood
What else did costa and McCrae find in early adulthood? (3)
- N decreases from 20s to 50s
- C and A increase
- Nonetheless, interpreted that personality is stable after 30
What did Costa find about personality in middle age?(2)
- N, E and O significantly decreased during 40s/early 50s. Few life events seem to correlate with these life changes
- A & C remained relatively stable
What is perceived control?
extent to which individuals believe they can control events they experience
What is emotion regulation?
Typical strength of individuals’ emotional responsiveness in their everyday life
What did Kandler find about personality in old age? (3)
- Increase in N, decrease in A, C, O, E
- No significant difference in perceptions of control and emotional regulation
- Decrease in subjective well being