Personality + Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
Who is William Sheldon?
gave the early theory of personality. Characterize people by body type, and related it to personality type.
Use the terms endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy To characterize body types that were soft and spherical, Hard and Rectangular, Fragile and lightly muscled Respectively.
Who is EG Boring?
Suggested that the development of psychology is not primarily due to the efforts of great people but to zeitgeist-> changing spirit of the times
What did Edward Tichenor’s method of introspection inspire?
Inspire structuralism,–.Which then lead to the development of functionalism behaviouralism gestalt therapy cognitive psychology psychoanalysis system psychology and humanism
—–’s Theory of personality was the first comprehensive theory on personality and abnormal psychology.
Sigmund Freud.
What is humanism? And what are two important scientists in this category?
Oppose the pessimism of the psychoanalytic perspective and the robotic concepts of behaviorism.
Humanists believe in the notion of free will and the idea that people should be considered as wholes.
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are both humanists
Who is Phillipe Pinel?
Placed in charge of an asylum in Paris Marked by terrible conditions. He removed the shackles from patients, I love them to go outside, Gave them bad, Make sure patients were treated humanely
Who was Dorothy Dix?
Advocate of treating the hospitalized mentally ill in a humane way
Who is Emile Kraeplin?
Noted that some symptoms of mental disorders occurred together regularly enough that they could be categorized as specific types. Tried to classify these disorders by integrating clinical data. precursor to current DSM-5
What is general paresis?
Disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur, Metal Deterioration, Eventual paralysis and death.
The symptoms were all caused by syphilis And the syndrome was due to organic brain pathology.
Who are Carletti and Bini?
Introduce the use of an electric shock for artificial production of convulsive Seizures in psychiatric patients
As a means of curing schizophrenia. They were wrong
What is prefrontal lobotomy?
Surgical treatment for schizophrenics, Where the frontal lobe of the brain were severed from the brain tissue.Lobotomy didn’t cure schizophrenia
What is Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?
Existence of unconscious internal states that motivate the overt actions of people and determine personality
Three major systems:
Id (Psychic energy, primary process of pleasure principle, Relief of tension, Mental images and Wish fulfillment)
ego( secondary process of reality principle, Objectiveness, Postpone pleasure, Suspend primary process, Perception, Memory, Problem solving)
superego (Strive for the ideal, Moral branch of personality,
Conscious which provides rules and norms for bad behaviour, ego-ideal which provide rules for good and appropriate behavior)
What is instinct?
Innate psychological representation (wish) of a bodily (biological) excitation (need).
Eros-> Life instinct, Survival (Hunger Thirst sex) Performing through libido
Thantos->Death instinct, Unconscious wish for absolute state of quiescence
What are defense mechanisms?
Repression->Unconscious forgetting of anxiety producing memories
Suppression->Deliberate conscious form of forgetting
Projection->Attributing forbidden urges to others
Reaction formation->Repress wish being warded off by It’s opposite
Rationalization->Developing a socially acceptable explanation for inappropriate behavior
Regression->Reverting to an earlier stage of development in response to trauma
Sublimation->Transforming unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behavior
Displacement->Pent-up energy discharge on objects and people less dangerous
Who is Carl Jung?
Libido as psychic energy in general. Ego as the unconscious mind That is divided into
Personal unconscious
collective unconscious->Powerful system that is shared among all humans and os a residue of The experiences of early ancestors. Includes images of common experiences which are building blocks or archetypes with emotional elements
What are Jung’s majory archetypes?
Persona->Mask that is adopted to Respond to demands of social convention
Anima/Animus-> Feminine and masculine, Helps us understand gender
Shadow->Animal instincts inherited in their evolution from lower forms of life. Responsible for unpleasant and socially reprehensible thought
Self-> Referred to as the Magic Circle. Person striving for unity. Point of intersection between collective unconscious and the Conscious.
What are the two major orientations of personality according to Jung?
Extroversion->External objective orientation.
Introversion->Internal subjective orientation
Both are present in personality but one of them is Typically dominant
What are the psychological functions according to jung>
Thinking feeling sensing and intuiting Which interact in dynamic ways to form personality
Who is Alfred Adler?
Focused on immediate social imperatives of family and society.
Striving towards superiority drives personality-> enhances it when is it socially oriented + benefit everyone but does not enhance personality when it is selfish + becomes the root of disturbance.
What is the notion of the creative self and the style of life?
Suggested by Adler.
The creative self –> the force by which individuals shape their uniqueness.
Style of life-> represents the manifestation of creative self, and the way we achieve superiority, mostly determined by one’s family
What is Fictional finalism?
Notion that a person is motivated more by his expectations the future than by past experience. Subjective estimates of life value> Objective data from past
Who is Karen Horney?
neurotic personality is governed by one of 10 needs Which are directed toward making life and interaction bearable.
e.g Need for Affection and approval.
neurotic needs however, resemble healthy ones except in four aspects:
1-They are disproportionate in intensity
2-They are indiscriminate in application
3-They partially disregard reality
4-Tend to provoke intense anxiety
What is Horney’s primary concept?
Basic anxiety, Based on the idea that a child’s early perception of the self is important. To overcome basic anxiety And attain security Child uses these three strategies:
1-Move towards people
2-Move against people
3-Move away from people
Who was Anna Freud?
Daughter of Sigmund Freud. Founder of Ego psychology, Along with Erick Erickson Who expanded and reworked Freud’s theory By showing how negative events could have positive effects on adult personality
What is object relations theory?
Falls under psychodynamic theories of personality. Look at the creation and development of internalized objects in young children. Mahler, Kernberg, Klein, Winicott were all object theorists
What is psychoanalysis?
Type of therapy developed by Freud. Intensive long-term treatment for uncovering repressed memories And conflict stemming from problems in psychosexual development.
What are the five techniques uses psychoanalysis?
Hypnosis->Method to free repressed thoughts
Free association->Client says whatever comes to mind first
Dream interpretation->Using patients dreams to understand Unconscious conflicts
Resistance->Unwillingness to relate to certain thoughts By missing therapy sessions, blocking associations, switching topics
Transference->Attributing to the therapist attitudes and feelings developed in patient’s relations with significant others
What is countertransference?
When the therapist experiences emotions toward patient at various points in treatment
Neo Freudian approaches place much more emphasis on—-Than On childhood experience and psychosexual development
Current interpersonal relationships and life situations
What is the behavior theory of personality?
Behavior is learned as people interact with the environment.
John Dollard and Neil Miller->Blended psychoanalytic concepts in a behavioral learning theory approach. Focus on conflicting tendencies in the development of personality
What did BF Skinner focus on?
Consider personality to be a collection of behavior that happensTo be sufficiently reinforced.
What did Albert Bandura focus on?
Contends that learning principles are sufficient to account for personality.
Social learning theory is modelling observed behavior, By observing other people’s behaviors being reinforced Through vicarious reinforcements.
Who is Martin Seligman?
Classical studies of learned helplessness. Dog is in a cell with floors that shocked them. Eventually dog stop jumping Regardless of whether they could escape or not.
Used this to talk about human depression and locus of control. Individuals who consistently face difficult situations but cannot escape–>Feel powerless–> leads to external locus of control.
While psychoanalysis considers the symptoms to be ——, Behavior is consider the symptoms To be—-
A manifestation of some disorder. The disorder itself
What are two examples of cognitive behavior therapy that changes a patient’s distorted and irrational thoughts?
Aaron Back’s cognitive therapy for depression. Albert Ellis’ rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
What is the basic assumption for Ellis’ REBT?
People must recognize irrational beliefs and change them to more rational ones
What is the basic assumption for Beck’s CT?
Client must write down negative thoughts about himself and figure out why they’re not justified and come up with realistic Cognitions.