personality Flashcards
the unique patterns of enduring thoughts, feelings and actions that Characterise a person.
A stable tenancy that influences our behaviour
Current affect, mood?
Differences between traits and states
(You’re usually a calm person but are currently a bit dramatic)
Theories that are focused on the understanding of Individual differences of personality traits we all possess to a different scale.
Believes that people are entirely unique As individuals and that comparing particular treats is useless.
What are fraud’s 4 main theories?
1: Topographic
2: drive
3: Developmental,
4: Structural
Topographic theory=?
a map of how the mind works, conscious mind, preconscious mind and unconscious mind
Drive theory=?
The belief that we are pleasure-seeking beings and that we possess a libido
Developmental theory=?
Psychosexual development, the stages in which children grow into their Sexual maturity.
Structural theory=?
The belief that the conscious, Preconscious and unconscious mind Are dictated by a sense of morality and social norms.
Core assumptions of fraud’s theories?
1: Psychic determinism: We are at the mercy of our consciousness, our uncossios thoughts can slip into our mind at any time (frauding slip).
2: Symbolic meaning, Fraud believed that every action had an unconscious thought driving it (Usually these were sexual in nature because were talking about fraud here). Ie dreaming of snakes means your gay lol (Or more accurately dreaming of long phallic objects represents your sexual Desire)
3: Unconscious motivation, the belief that we possess enconscious drives that dictate all of our behaviour.
an error in speech in wich we mean to say something but say (a mother, i mean) another. Fraud thought these were representations of the state of our unconscious mind.
What did fraud believe humans were driven by?
1: Aggressive Drive (Freud believed that all humans have an innate desire for death this comes out as aggressive behaviour but is tempered by our will to live, Example: Trauma
survivors Indulging in negative coping mechanisms, doing drugs etc)
2: Sexual (labido) drive (Refers to exactly what you think but also Pleasure-seeking of Pleasant feelings, Freud believed that people that truly gravitate towards pleasure seeking behaviour (Tried being Freud this was usually about sex)
Freud’s developmental Theory Of psychosexual development stages
1:oral (0-18 mouths), Dependency. named after mouth due to that being the way a child expearces pleure (eating, putting toys in mouth).
2:anal 2-3 years, (named after potty training) Orderliness, Cleanness, Control and Compliance (were the frase being anal comes from)
3:phalic 4-6 years, falls in love with Opposite sex Parents (for boys oedipus colplex, for girls electra complex) sees other perent as competition and Possess an unconscious desire to kill them. (Freud believed that all women envy men, penis envy)
4:Latency 7-11 years, Relationships take a backseat. Children focus on education and same-sex friendships, social Relationships, Development of identity.
5:Genital 12+ years, children Develop sexul intresits as well as engae in sexal relshonships.
Freud’s Structural model aspects.
ID=Underlying biological Desire to seek pleasure. Underlying Desires and Drives(Unconscious)
Ego=our understanding of reality. Interact with the real world makes Decisions (Combination of the conscious and preconscious)
(preposed later) superego=our understand Of morality and social norms, Manages the balance of ID and ego. Direct us to behave morally
Defence mechanisms=?
People Regulate their emotions And deal with conflict by using Unconscious defense mechanisms which aim to reinforced Positive Emotions and Protect from unpleasant ones.
types of Defence mechanisms=?
Repression:Memories or thoughts are kept from our conscious mind. (A soldier forgets his near-death experience)
Denial: Refusing to accept External reality. (A wife refuses to believe her husband has died in the car crash)
Displacment: Emotions are directed at a Substitute Target (Parents yells at a child who has done nothing wrong after fighting with her husband)
Regression: The regression to an earlier stage of psychosexual development (an adult throwing a Temper tantrum upon not getting their way)
Reaction formation: Unacceptable feelings for impulses turned into their Opposites (Apparent results for child but Spoils them)
Rationalisation: Actions are explained away to avoid unpleasant feelings. Procrastination. (Avoiding studying watching TV by saying you need a break and that’s starting what do any good).
Projective tests=?
These tests assume that if you present a person with a neutral stimulus the individual Project their own Impulses and desire on to it.
Thematic apperception test (TAT)=?
A psychologist Presents an image And ask the client explain what happened. What are the events leading up to this picture? What are the thoughts and feelings that are being expressed in this picture? What happens after this pictures taken? The narrative that the client comes up with is a representation of the unconscious mind.
A professional that Accepted the main principles of Freud’s ideas but disagreed with certain elements.
Alfred Adler believed what?
The father of individual psychology: he Believed that humanities Focus priority is for superiority rather than sex.
Strive for superior=?
The belief that we have Do you need to desire To better ourselves, to become our best self because, to strive for fulfillment.
Inferiority complex=?
A basic feeling of inadequacy, And insecurity Driving from actual or imagined Physical or psychological deficiency.
Carl Jung Collective unconscious=?
our unconscious drives and desires are inherited from past ancestor. (can not be tested)
Escape from freedom=?
we crave socal conection but through the advancement of Technology We no longer require it on a logical sense.
Prose of Psychodynamic personality theories
Acknowledges unconscious influence on behaviour, Importance of childhood experiences in behaviour in adulthood. Belief that humans thought and action have meaning.
cons of psychodynamic personality theories.
Lack of scientific basis, Lack of testability, Sexism.
social cognitive=?
a combination of Social learning Theory and Behaviourism.
Humanistic theories of Personality=?
theories focused on how humans are different from animals
Behavioural approaches says=?
Differences in a personality Are largely due to past experiences.
Operant and classic conditioner Dictate The habits we form.
(how have our past experiences effected how we reat to things, what have we been reward or punished for in the past and what have we made that mean)
To a certain extent our personality is dictated by our genetic makeup and our environments.
Social cognitive theories=?
The way people process, Encode and think about information dictates their personality.
Necessary conditions for a behaviour (A personality trait)=?
1: The situation Is encoded As being meaningful and relevant
2: Belief in one’s own ability (Disbelief can be distorted and still get the same effect)
3: Self-regulation of ongoing active
Albert bandura- Social learning Theory=?
We Learn how to behave by watching how are others behave and how there are rewarded As well as punished for their behaviour. (Through vicarious operant conditioning)
Reciprocal determinism=?
Personality is a constant back and forth of environment Behaviour and our beliefs.
How we behave affects others and how others react to our behaviour effect how we behave in the future.
Julian rotter, Locus of control=?
Discusses what people think they can control.
Inner Locus of control=?
People with this Locus of control Believe that every outcome in their life can be controlled (or at the very least is effected) by their behavior.
Traits of Inner Locus of control=?
. They believe they have control of their relationships
. they have higher self esteem
. more likely to focus on problem focused coping (Focusing on how to fix a problem Rather than getting caught up in the emotion of it)
External Locus of control=?
People with this Locus of control believe their Behaviour has no effect on the outcome of situations.
Traits of external locus control=?
They don’t consider Positive or negative outcomes to be because of them (If they get a new job they believe it was like rather than their skill).
how to measure Locus of control
A set of questions that are labelled as true or false such as:
1:Many People live miserable lives Because of their parents.
2:If you set realistic goals you can achieve anything
3:You can climb the corporate ladder if you’re in the right place at the right time
4:If you study hard enough you can pass any subject
Item is 1 and 3 if Answered as true Points towards an external Locus of control
Items 2 and 4 if answered true points towards an internal Locus of control.