Personality #1 (Part Two) Flashcards
The task of the ego is toestblish equilibrium and balance in the psyche. The function is to reduce anxiety between the id, superego, and reality. One tool of the ego is ____.
Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanism. Anxiety-provoking (read: sexual) thoughts are pushed out of awareness, and are forgotten. This drives the thought back to the unconscious.
Defense Mechanism. Psyche simply shuts itself down when we encounter threatening experiences, when we come too close to our sexual drive, we shut it down. It is too overwhelming to deal with. More in Freud’s time than now.
Defense Mechanism. We convert unacceptable thoughts or urges into their opposites. Drug use and homosexuals are the scorn of the earth and it turns out that pastor is gay and uses drugs.
Retraction Formation
Defense Mechanism. We project our own unacceptable urges onto others. I’m not the one who has the strong sexual drive, its her!
Defense Mechanism. Diverting our aggressive or sexual urges onto easier targets
Defense Mechanism: we make excuses for our failures or our shortcomings
Defense Mechanism. We channel our repressed, unacceptable urges into socially acceptable outlets
Non-Freudian Psychoanalytic Theorist. Focused on psycho-social conflicts. In the first 6 years of life, we encounter six psychical conflicts that give rise to our personality.
Alfred Adler
Non-Freudian Psychoanalytic Theoriest. Humans unconsciously seek to escape from freedom and choices. We fall in love, get married and then are further controlled by our children later in life. Join religious groups, or rallying behind strong political leaders.
Erich Formm
Non-F Psychoanalytic Theorist. Humans have a basic need for love and security, so people feel very anxious when they are isolated and alone.
Karen Horney
Non-F Psychoanalytic Theorist. Personal unconscious, memories, repressed thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that get pushed into the unconscious. Believes that we have a collective unconscious. Each of use has a shared set of on unconscious experiences, ways of thinking and being, same across cultures and through time.
Carl Jung
Approach. The ‘third force’ in psychology. Psychoanalytic is too dark, we aren’t conditioned into our personality like the behaviorism approach is. Focused on the brighter side, like the conscious mind, free will, subjective experiences, and self reflection (moving toward our ideals)
The Humanistic Approach
First humanistic theorist. People are basically good, ethically and morally. At the core, people are rented toward self-actualization, orientated toward being the best person we can be. Humans are social creatures and we have a deep need for love.
Carl Rogers
Humanistic theorist. How people strive to fulfill their utmost potential. the goal for personality development is self-actualization. We realize our potentials fully and become who we are to be. After this, people are more spontaneous and playful, loving, and accepting of others, energetic, and independent minded.
Abraham Maslow
The seminal work of Gordon Allport
The trait approach
An attempt to sort people into different types, came from Carl Jung. Describes how we gather information from the world around us.
The MBTI The Meyer’s Briggs Types Indicator
MBTI, people who direct their mental energy from the world around us
MBTI, people who direct their mental energy inside, and take more interest in our inner dynamics rather than the world around us.
MBTI, people analyze situation
MBTI, people who make decisions based on how people feel
MBTI, people who assertion information about the outside world by sensing. They rathe information from their senses
MBTI, people who gather information and make decisions based on their gut reaction
MBTI, used to identify trait clusters. How do different traits hang together in a person?
Factor analysis