Personality 1 Flashcards
Psychic Determinism
Everything you say and do comes from somewhere in your mind.
Internal structure
What is doing the determining
Pleasure principle. (sex, domination, power)
Reality principal .
Super Ego
Morality (guilt, shame)
Explain the study on reaction formation. (Homophobic)
Homophobic men and non homophobic men asked to watch a video of homosexual sex. testing arousal. Both reported they werent but the test showed that the homophobic men were extremely aroused
Projection and example of the study giving back bad feedback
Taje your unwanted feelings and put it on someone else.
Took a personality test and got back bad feedback. When they watched a video the people with the bad feedback rated the people in the video worse on bad traits they tried to suppress.
Displacement & ex. of study on evaluating an essay
takes impulse you want to take out and changes it from being targeting at a dangerous subject to something less dangerous.
Participants reading an essay gave insulting feedback. They placed the aggression game- the people put there aggression towards the direct insulter instead of the random person. This did not support.
Denial & explain the study on disabled people
Refusing to believe knowledge.
Disabled and non disabled were asked to view slides and quickly a disabled or nondisabled person would flash. it took the disabled participants more trials to get correct
Energy directed toward different issues at different stages of life
Oral character is either-
- all needs are met immediately or needs are ignored
All needs are met immediately creates an adult who is-
becomes overly dependent oral character
Needs are ignored creates an adult who is-
overly independent, has no social relationships
Neo-Freudians are not focused on:
- less focus on sex/ aggression
- less emphasis on the unconscious
- Less focus on instincts
Neo-Freudian 3 common themes
- libido is creativity
- Focus on how someone perceives reality
- interpersonal relationships
Adlers theory on inferiority complex
Everyone percieves themselves as inferior. Strive for superiority.
High social interest
Do you care about others. Parents need to teach you how to care for others & protect
Low social interest
You want to be superior to shove it in other peoples faces.
Klein object realtions theory social relationships
Throughout life you will find your desired partner. But this will cause fear of abandonment because of how perfect you think they are. Therapy will help take them off the pedestal.
Humanistic psychology
You make your own choices you have free will to be a human being
Asking why am I here, what am I doing w my life? Facing anxiety if you don’t answer them
Study: asking what is your ideal self?
Rate their actual self in 5 contexts of life. Your ideal self doesn’t always fit their actual self. Reported that those who perceived greater autonomy support
Study: LGB report behaviors and feelings in 2 contexts of their life explain the study-
- Autonomy support- feeling free
- Controlling context: feeling no freedom
this supports the idea of authenticity
Behaviorism is all about-
Learning history
Using classical conditioning to change personality example:
Fear of driving- exposure therapy or systematic desensitization
systematic desensitization definition
Deep muscle relaxation with increasingly threateing imaginal representation
Operant conditioning Clingy partner
wait for them to do the thing you want them to then reinforce them. and ignore the bad stuff they do
Theory: sensitive: the tendency to percive things as personal attacks
Train to reinterpret less drastically. then praise reinterpretation to decrease the tendency to perceive things as personal attacks.
Exposure therapy with spider phobics explain theory
After a flash of a spider or flower so fast you cant even see it, the spider phobics with spider exposure had a decrease in avoidance behavior
A freudian slip, slip into the unconscious
Create a seemingly logical reason for doing something shameful
bring ways of thinking that developed toward one important person into a later relationship with someone else ex. relating a teacher the way you do a father.
Jungs collective unconscious
Everyone is born with knowledge and imagery
Jungs persona beleived that
everyone is wearing a mask and people put out a fake persona. Social media
things we enjoy for ourselves. loosing track of time.
people who experience awe are humble
pleasure seeking.
Seeking goals that are valuable in their own right
Learned helplessness
bad things happening without warning- the feeling of anxiety due to unpredictability