Personal Development Flashcards
our personal knowledge of who we are, encompassing all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves physically, personally, and socially. Self-concept also includes our knowledge of how we behave, our capabilities, and our individual characteristics.
According to ____, self-concept has three components: self-image, self-esteem, and the ideal self.
Carl Rogers
-The way we see ourselves. It is built on self-knowledge.
-includes what we know about ourselves physically (e.g. brown hair, blue eyes, tall), our social roles (e.g. wife, brother, gardener), and our personality traits (e.g. outgoing, serious, kind).
is derived from social interactions that provide insight into how others react to you.
is the value we place upon ourselves. Individual levels of self-esteem are dependent on the way we evaluate ourselves. Those evaluations incorporate our personal comparisons to others as well as others’ responses to us.
the self we would like to be. It is the one that you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor or some other worldly figure.
Ideal Self
____ between the self-image and ideal self means that there is a fair amount of overlap between the two.
_____ between the self-image and ideal self means there’s a discrepancy between oneself and one’s experiences, leading to internal confusion (or cognitive dissonance) that prevents self-actualization.
a key period for self-concept.
a key period for self-concept.
the period in life when an individual is no longer a child, but not yet an adult. It is a period in which an individual goes through enormous physical, mental and emotional changes.
-a time when the body of boys and girls grow bigger and taller, genitals mature, and often hair starts growing in new places on the body.
-typically starts between ages 9 to18
his first ejaculation, a man is fertile every day and has the ability to father a child for the rest of his life.
The man’s fertility is signaled by his first ejaculation while being asleep, known as ____
Wet Dreams or Nocturnal Emissions
occurs when the penis fills with blood and becomes hard and straight.
when semen comes out of a boy’s or man’s erect penis due to sexual excitement
when a boy’s penis becomes erect, and he ejaculates while sleeping. This causes the boy’s underwear or the bed to be a little wet when he wakes up.
Wet Dreams
the periodic release of a mature egg from the ovary. This usually happens around the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
True or False: A woman is not yet fertile when she has the ability to become pregnant?
False, Fertile
-the stage of which a woman’s menstruation ends. It ends because the hormones that cause eggs to mature in her ovaries stop.
-it usually occurs when women are in their late forties or early fifties.
A whitish liquid that girls sometimes can see in their underpants or experience a feeling of wetness. It happens around the time of ovulation, when the body is ready to receive and nurture a fertilized egg. It helps the sperm travel through the uterus
comprised of information that our brain takes in and sends to our mind. Our mind acts as the gatekeeper of the computed information. It determines which information is relevant and thus what will become our mental focus.
the emotional response to thoughts and behaviors. They are indicators of our connection to a situation. They stem from our experiences and our perspectives…aka thoughts.
are the actions generated from our thoughts and feelings. The way we behave in response to something is because our thoughts persuade us it is the best decision to make at that time.
a process of self-actualization and learning that combines an individual’s mental/cognitive, physical/physiological, social, emotional/psychological, and spiritual growth. Development of these aspects are vital for the person to achieve his/her success in life, and this has been the primary goal of our country’s educational system.
Holistic Development
development to any physical attributes including the five physical senses, examples are painting, cutting of vegetables, making a clay model, typing on a computer keyboard, medical surgery, driving, writing, etc.
Physiological Development
the intellectual functions of the mind: thinking, recognizing, reasoning, analyzing, projecting, synthesizing, recalling, and assessing.
Cognitive Development
refers to the development of how thinking, feeling, and behaving interact and happen in a person. It includes abilities to understand others; what others are communicating; and building relationships.
Psychological Development
how an individual interacts with other individuals or groups of individuals. It involves enhancement in the abilities to interact and communicate with others, working in a team, coordination, and cooperation with others, etc.
Social Development
the attribute of a person’s consciousness and beliefs, including the values and virtues. The desired for pious and religious enhancement.
Spiritual Development