the process of developing, conducting, managing, operating,
directing and evaluating a business venture in order to gain
profit by taking several risks
an individual or a collective who develops a new company, carries most of the risks and enjoys most of the benefits of a joint effort via profit.
Entrepreneur comes from the word?
“Entre” means?
to enter
“Prendre” means?
to take
“Entreprendre” means?
to undertake
Relevance of entrepreneurship
Helps economic growth
create job opportunities
community development impact
business failures consequences
political and economic integration of outsiders
spawn entrepreneurship
enhances standard of living
provides research development
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Establishing a business contributes to the economy; small or big
Helps economic growth
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Provides entry-level jobs necessary to learn for unskilled employees
create job opportunities
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Promotes creativity and brings new ideas: product, technology, industry,
good quality
Relevance of entrepreneurship: promotes abundant retail facilities, a higher level of homeownership, fewer
slums, better, sanitation standards and higher expenditure on education,
recreation, and religious activities
community development impact
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship is the most productive way to incorporate the excluded
and discarded in the economy
political and economic integration of outsiders
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Collapse of business will lead to job loss and/or financial institutions will be
at crisis
business failures consequences
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship is a breeding ground for new inexperience people
spawn entrepreneurship
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Businesses provide various types of goods
enhances standard of living
Relevance of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship offers funding to institutions for research and
provides research development
Have endless curiosities in discovering new ideas
opportunity seeking
the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult