Person-Centered Theory Flashcards
primary agent for constructive self-change
the client
“becoming one’s experience”
characterized by an openness to experience, a trust in one’s experience, an internal locus of evaluation, willingness to be in process
Emotion-focused therapy (EFT)
emerged as a person-centered “approach informed by understanding the role of emotion in human functioning and psycho-therapeutic change.
emotional change
can be a primary pathway to cognitive and behavioral change
how to change emotions
by accepting and experiencing them, by opposing them with different emotions to transform them, and by reflecting on them to create new narrative meaning
existentialism v. humanism
similar: respect for client’s subjective experience, uniqueness of each client, capacity of client to make positive choices. emphasis on freedom, choice, values, personal responsibility, autonomy purpose and meaning. little emphasis on techniques. more emphasis on encounter
existential v. humanism 2
different: extistentialists take position that we’re faced w/ anxiety of chooosing to create an identity in a world that lacks intrinsic meaning. existentialists acknowledge stark realities of human experience, and their writings focus on death, anxiety, meaninglessness, isolation.
existential v humanist 3
different: humanists take more optimistic view that we each have a natural potential that we can actualize and through which we find mining.
furthered understanding of self-acutlizing. criticized freud for proccupation w/ sickness and darkness. self-actualization is central theme. core characteristics: self-awareness, freedom, basic honesty, trust, autonomy, welcoming uncertainty
hierarchy of needs (maslow)
primary source of motivation. most basic needs are physiological. hunger, safety, love, esteem
vision of humanistic philosophy
underlying philosophy captured by metaphor of how an acorn, if provided w/ appropriate conditions, automatically grows in positive ways.
human nature
client has ability to grow. people are trustworthy, resourceful, capable of self-understanding/direction, can make constructive changes, can live productive lives.
3 therapist attributes create grwoth-promoting climiate
- congruence (genuineness or realness)
- unconditional positive regard (acceeptance and caring)
- accurate empathic understanding.
actualizing tendency
direction process of striving toward realization, fulfillment, autonomy, self determination.
therapy rooted in
client’s capacity for awareness and self-directed change in attitudes and behavior
therapeutic goals
cornerstone of person-centered theory is view that clients in relationship w/ a facilitating therapist have capacity to define and clarify their own goals.
therapist’s function and role
encounter clients on a person-to-person level. human dimensions are more powerful determinants of therapeutic effectiveness than theories or techniques. therapist’s function is to be present and accessible
client’s experience in therapy
change depends on clients’ perceptions of their own experience in therapy and of counselor’s basic attitudes. clients create their own self-growth and are active self-healers.
clients come to counselor w/ a discrpancy btwn self-perception and experience in reality.
necessary and sufficient conditions for change
quality of relationship. “if i can provide a certain type of relationship, other person will discover w/in himself or herself the capacity to use that relationship for growth and change, and personal development will occur”
significant positive personality change does not occur except in a relationship