Peroneal Tendon Injuries Flashcards
What type of tears result from chronic peroneal tendon subluxation?
Longitudinal tears.
Usually of peroneus brevis
What is the relationship of the peroneals at the lateral malleolus?
Peroneus brevis lies anterior and medial to the peroneus longus. The braves lies on the posterior aspect of the lateral malleolus
What is non-operative treatment for peroneal tendon dislocation?
Short leg cast and NWB 6 weeks; only 50% successful
What is operative management for peroneal tendon dislocations?
Acute repair in high level athletes
Groove deepening with soft tissue transfer
What physical exam finding differentiates perennial tendon subluxation v. peroneus braves tear?
Both will have pain and tenderness and pain with resisted eversion. Tears will not have instability like dislocation or subluxation.
Disruption of what anatomic structure can lead to peroneal tendon subluxation?
Superficial peroneal retinacular ligament.
What foot positioning can lead disruption of the superficial perennial reticular ligament?
Dorsiflexion and inversion.
Can see a “rim fracture” on X-ray