Peritoneum (Semmelweis) Flashcards
Peritoneum develops from ___ (embryology)
the lateral plates of the mesoderm.
2 layers of peritoneum
- parietal peritoneum
- visceral peritoneum
The role of parietal peritoneum
It makes the inner lining of the abdominal cavity.
1. Parietal peritoneum makes the inner lining of the abdominal cavity.
→ Different structures covered by peritoneum cause ___
folds of fit.
The role of Visceral peritoneum
covers abdominal and pelvic viscera.
Organs totally covered (surrounded) by visceral peritoneum are called ____
intraperitoneal organs.
What are intraperitoneal organs?
Organs totally covered (surrounded) by visceral peritoneum
There is only one „really intraperitoneally” located organ
→ What is this organ?
Ovary (which is situated within the peritoneal cavity.)
What is Peritoneal cavity?
the virtual space between parietal and visceral peritoneal layers (filled with some peritoneal fluid for lubrication – allowing movements of abdominal organs).
Peritoneal cavity: the virtual space between parietal and visceral peritoneal layers (filled with some peritoneal fluid for lubrication – allowing movements of abdominal organs).
→ In males, it is totally (1)____,
→ in females the peritoneal cavity communicates with the outer world via the (2)____
- closed sac
- oviduct – uterus - vagina.
Abdominal and pelvic organs and structures -according to their peritoneal relations- can be divided into 2 main groups.
→ What are they?
- *A) Intraperitoneal** (covered by peritoneum)
- *B) Extraperitoneal** (not surrounded by the peritoneum)
What are 3 subdivisions of Extraperitoneal organs?
a) Retroperitoneal
b) Infraperitoneal
c) Preperitoneal
Recesses of Omental bursa:
- Recesses: sup., inf. and splenic
Omental bursa = lesser sac
→ Identify
- Hepatogastric ligament
- Gastrosplenic ligament
- Phrenicosplenic ligament
- Splenic recess
Which ligaments in Lesser omentum?
-Hepatogastric lig.-Hepatoduodenal lig.
Identify the star
*Hepatophrenic recess
Identify the star
**Hepatorenal recess
Name these Peritoneal recesses
•Omental bursa
- •Sup., inf. duodenal recesses
- •Sup., inf. ileocecal recesses
- •intersigmoid,…
Phrenico-colic lig.