Peritoneum, oesophagus and stomach Flashcards
Linea semilunaris is the line down the side of the rectus abdominus.
Explain how this is split up?
Can divide the abdomen into 9 parts using obvious landmarks.
Subcostal plane=below the ribs.
Intertebercular plane.
Midclavicualr lines vertically.
Where does this plane go through?
The pylorus of the stomach.
What is the main role of mesentery structurally?
Hold the bowels to the posterior abdominal wall.
The ________ comes up as __________
Peritoneum comes up as mesentary.
How does the large intestine become retroperitoneal?
Why is this structure important clinically?
Only way to get from the greater sac (right sac) to the lesser sac (left sac)
Explain the formation of the greater omentum?
Greater omentum hanging like an apron.
What is another name for the lesser sac?
Omental bursae
What is this structure (both names).
Where does it go to and from?
Lesser omentum/gastrohepatic ligament.
Goes from the lesser curvature of stomach to the liver.
The ________ (part of the large colon) lies posterior to the transverse colon.
What splits the upper and lower bits?
What is the yellow line showing?
What are the things down the side and their importance?
Split by the transverse mesocolon.
Yellow line: Infracolic can be split up into two by the mesentery of the small intestine.
Infracolic gutters: spaces between the colon and the abdominal wall, this is how the supracolic and infracolic compartment communicate.
What places could you pierce to get to lesser sac?
these ligaments are other things which could be pierced to get from greater sac to lesser sac.
Lesser omentum could be pierced.
What forms the lower oesophageal sphincter and where does it come from?
Oesophagus pierces through to become an intrabdominal structure.
Right crus of the diaphragm is a piece of muscle which comes off the vertebra and throws of another crus which cuts off a part of the oesophagus when you breathe in, stop reflux.