Periodisation and planning Flashcards
what is specificity?
the type of physiological demand placed on the body will dictate the specific adaption that will occur
what is overload?
an above-normal stress or load applied to a muscle or muscle group to elicit an enhanced training response
what is progression?
to continue seeing gains and improvements from an exercise program, the intensity of the exercise must gradually become increasingly more challenging
what is reversibility?
once intitule neuromuscular adaptions have occurred, without regular strength training muscles may atrophy and become weaker
training residuals: aerobic system?
detraining (back to base line): 30+/-5 days
description: \+ Mitochondrial density \+ Capillary density \+ Aerobic enzyme \+ Glycogen storage
training residuals: anaerobic system?
detraining (back to base line): 18+/-5 days
+ Anaerobic enzymes
+ H+ Buffering
training residuals: maximal strength?
detraining (back to base line): 30+/-5 days
+ neural mechanisms
+ myofibrillar density FT
training residuals: strength endurance?
detraining (back to base line): 15+/-5 days
+ myofibrillar density ST
+ aerobic/anaerobic enzymes
+ lactic acid tolerance
training residuals: maximal speed?
detraining (back to base line): 5+/-3 days
+ motor control
+ neuromuscular function
+ phosphocreatine storage
what is periodisation?
“Programme variation in the training stimuli with
the use of planned rest periods to augment
recovery and restoration of an athlete’s potential.”
“Long-term cyclic structuring of training and
practice to maximize performance to coincide with important competitions.”
Periodisation-central concepts:
• Volume (i.e. time) • Intensity (i.e. kg, %1RM speed etc.) • Recovery periods • Frequency • Exercise selection
LOAD = Volume x Intensity
some available calculations: squat snatch?
Sets: 3 Reps: 5 Load (kg): 90 %RM: 67 total Reps: 15 equation 1: 1350 equation 2: 1005
some available calculations: snatch pull (from floor)
Sets: 3 Reps: 5 Load (kg): 120 %RM: 60 total Reps: 15 equation 1: 1800 equation 2: 900
some available calculations: snatch pull (from knee)
Sets: 3 Reps: 5 Load (kg): 120 %RM: 65 total Reps: 15 equation 1: 1950 equation 2: 975
what are the 2 equations?
Equation 1 – VL (kg) = Number of Sets x Number of reps x Mass lifted (kg)
Equation 2 – VL (kg) = Number of Sets x Number of reps x % 1RM
what is Session-RPE?
• Global RPE rating (0-10) • 20-min post-session • Multiply RPE by time • Intensity x volume = Load
what are biomotor abilities?
• Terms used to describe individual fitness components required by athletes e.g.: • Strength • Speed • Power • Endurance
Periodization-Construct fundamentals: Multiplayer plan?
Duration: 2-4 years
Description: a 4-year training plan is termed a quadrennial plan
Periodization-Construct fundamentals: Annual training plan?
Duration: 1 year
Description: single or multiple macrocycles, subdivided into various periods of training including preparatory, competitive and transition periods.
Periodization-Construct fundamentals: Macrocycle?
Duration: Several months to a year
Description: an annual plan, its divided into preparatory, competitive and transition periods of training
Periodization-Construct fundamentals: Mesocycle?
Duration: 2-6 weeks
Description: the most common is 4 weeks. consists of microcycles that are linked together, medium sized plan
Periodization-Construct fundamentals: Microcycle?
Duration: several days-2 weeks
Description: most common duration is 1 week, composed of multiple workouts
Periodization-Construct fundamentals: training day?
Duration: 1 day
Description: one day that include multiple training sessions is designed in the context of the particular microcycle
Periodization-Construct fundamentals: training session?
Duration: several hours
Description: generally consists of several hours of training. if the workout includes >30 min of rest between bouts of training, it would comprise multiple sessions
Block periodisation- three sequential mesocycles?
• Made for targeting less (1 or 2) components with
greater focus and more flexible for competition:
• Accumulation – volume of basic abilities, e.g., aerobic
endurance, muscle strength, and general coordination;
- Transmutation - sport-specific abilities, e.g., high intensity anaerobic workloads, strength endurance
- Realization - recovery and peaking towards competition
Mesocycle structure?
- Mesocycle is made up of microcycles
- Weekly variations in loading allows coaches to plan periods of:
- High stress for stimulus
- Low stress for recovery and adaptation
• Weekly microcycles should be ordered to maximise the
adaptation process
Microcycle structure?
- Microcycles are made up of training days
- Just like mesocycle design, variation is required at the microcycle level
- High, moderate and low days can determine weekly loading patterns