Period 7 Flashcards
The expansion of one country’s political, economic and military influence over another country.
William Seward
Lincoln and then Johnson’s secretary of state who proposed the purchasing of Alaska. (Later called Sewards folly/Sewards icebox.) The purchase was looked at as useless, until the discovery of gold in 1898.
Our country: It’s possible future and present crisis
Book by Josiah Strong
The infulenc of sea power
Published in 1890 by Alfred Thayer Mahan, argued that powerful countries gained superiority through a robust navy. Because of his argument, Congress approved the expansion of the US Navy.
They argued for the self-determination of Nations, to not get involved with worldly affairs, (Washington) it was also motivated by racial biases as imperalism implied entanglements with “inferiors”
Spanish-American war
Cuba was still under Spanish imperial rule
Sensationalist journalists and newspapers (Joseph Puitizer and Randolph Hearst) who often exaggerated events to sway public opinion and sell newspaper. During the Spanish-American war events tettered on the edge of truthfulness, to encourage American intervention.
U.S.S Maine
The U.S.S Maine exploded ashore Havana Harbor, killing over 200 Americans. Yellow journalists of the time often blamed the Spanish. (The true cause of the explosion was purely accidental.)
McKinley Ultimatium
Due to pressures from the American public, President Mckinley issued an Ultimatium, which Spain agreed to. However, war was still declared. (The US won the short war.)
Cuba post-Spanish Am war
Cuba was forced to add the Platt amendment to their consitution to the new Cuban government.
Platt Amendment
Allowed for the US to intervene militarily in Cuba if American economic interest was threatend.
Annexation of the Philiphines
Aided in the overthrowing the Spanish rule, the Philiphines was ceeded to the United States for 20 million dollars
Annexation of Hawaii
Open door policy
China was split into spheres of influence controlled by different nation. Open-door policy proposed by John Hay sought to share trading previliges with te nations.