Period 5 Flashcards
Civil war!
Against the spread of slavery, but not for moral reasons. Free-Soilers wanted the land gained from the Mexican cession to remain without enslaved people so it could be reserved for white laborers.
Radical Republicans
Advocated for civil rights for both freedmen women.
Compromise of 1850
Califronia would be admitted as a free state. A tighter fugitive slave act, abolition of slave trade in D.C, popular soverinighty in Utah and New Mexico terroirtories. Texas gives up some Western land claims so the US assumes their war debt.
Sectionalism is loyalty to one’s own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole.
Declaration of Causes
When Southern states succeeded they drafted a docment of causes stating their reasons for leaving the union.n
Causes of Mexican-Am war
- Conflicting interpertations of where the border was. As well as false claims tha American blood was shed on “American soil.”
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidago
Established the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas. Also Mexico would later suceede California and New Mexico for 15 million dollars. (+Gadsen purchase)
Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857
Dred Scott was an enslaved man who was from Missouri who was taken up to Wisconsin which was a free state for 2 years . Scott later sued for his freedom. The case made it to the supreme court which did not rule in Scotts favor stating that enslaved people were property and could be taken anywhere + slaves could not sue in a court of law. Effectively making all states open to slavery.
Raid on Harper’s Ferry
John Brown led a slave uprising in Harper’s Ferry Virgina attempting to raid the federal arsenal there. They were quickly repulsed before they had a chance to act out the plan. Brown and his followers were hanged as punishment. Deeply angered White Southerners.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Because the Kansas and Nebraska were above the 36 30 line (Compromise of 1820) they would be considered a free state. However, it was decided that the states be able to vote on the matter (popular soverenighty),
Canning of Charles Sumner
Charles Sumner, a republican made a anti-slavery speech and naming and critizing Senator Butler. His cousin, Brooks would avenge his cousin and beat Sumner with a cane on the senate floor. (The North-South divison)
13th amendment
Abolished slavery.
14th amendment
Equal protections and citizenship for those born on U.S soil. (No state can infringe on this law.) Passed into law over Johnson’s vetoF
15th amendment
No one can be denied the right to vote on account of race. (Granted AA men the right to vote.)
A form of coerced servitude in which land owners seed and farm supplies in exchange for a percentage of the harvest. Many AA’s were forced in sharecropping as unemployment becomes crimnialized.
Klu Klux Klan
A white supremacist organization that intimated black folks through burning buildings, lynchings, and control over local politics.
Black Codes
Southern black codes prevented Black folks from borrowing money to buy or loan land. Prohibited black folks from testfifying against white people in court. Established segregation in Southern society.
Compromise of 1877
- Democrats agree to let Hayes become president.
- Republicans agree to remove all federal troops from the South.
(Seen as the end of reconstruction)
Ten % plan
Abraham lincoln’s plan stated that in order for a Southern state to be readmitted into the union they must: have 10% of the electorate pledge loyalty, as well as ratifying the 13th amendmet.
Abe Lincoln’s assasination
Lioncoln was assinated by John Wilkes Booth, because of this Andrew Johnson became president.