Period 1 (A) Flashcards
Vedic Age (Period 1)
A period in the history of India; It was a period of transition from nomadic pastoralism to settled village communities, with cattle the major form of wealth.
Hebrews (Period 1)
the ethnic group claiming descent from Abraham and Isaac (especially from Isaac’s son Jacob)
Assyrian Empire (Period 1)
this empire covered much of what is now Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and Anatolia; its height was during the seventh and eighth centuries BCE
Homo sapiens (Period 1)
modern humans, emerged 100,000-200,000 years ago, neanderthal is the earliest variant, Cromagon is more advanced.
Hominids (Period 1)
appeared 3-4 million years ago in southern and eastern Africa, human like creatures called primates, Mary and Louis Leakey found fossils in Great Rift Valley, Lucy an Australopithecine fossil, found in 1974.
Patriarchal Society (Period 1)
society in which men rule their families, and people trace their origins through male ancestors
Mandate of Heaven (Period 1)
a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source
Nile River Civilization (Period 1)
Egypt and Sudan; fertile land and ruled by pharaohs or god-kings under a polytheistic belief
Neolithic Era(Culture) (Period 1)
agriculture allowed for a food surplus, which in turn led to an increase in population, Jericho was the first Neolithic Village, early industries developed in pottery, metallurgy, and textiles.
Caste System (Period 1)
a set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person’s occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society
Hammurabi’s Code (Period 1)
a set of 282 laws that dealt with almost every part of daily life
Iron Metallurgy (Period 1)
Extraction of iron from its ores. allowed for cheaper stronger production of weapons and tools. More abundant than tin and copper
Indo-European languages (Period 1)
a family (or phylum) of several hundred related languages and dialects,[1] including most major languages of Europe, Iran, and northern India, and historically also predominant in Anatolia and Central Asia.
Shang Dynasty (Period 1)
Second Chinese dynasty (about 1750-1122 B.C.) which was mostly a farming society ruled by an aristocracy mostly concerned with war. They’re best remembered for their art of bronze casting.
Mesopotamia (Period 1)
the land between the rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, on the Eastern part of the Fertile Crescent
Aryans (Period 1)
nomads from Europe and Asia who migrated to India and finally settled; vedas from this time suggest beginning of caste system
Indus River Civilization (Period 1)
(c. 3300-1700 BCE, flourished 2600-1900 BCE), was an ancient civilization that flourished in the Indus and Ghaggar-Hakra river valleys primarily in what is now Pakistan and western India, parts of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan; major cities were Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
Bantu Migrations (Period 1)
movement of Africans across the continent of Africa, each village was ruled by a council.
Phoenicians (Period 1)
located on eastern Mediterranean coast; invented the alphabet which used sounds rather than symbols like cuneiform
Zhou Dynasty (Period 1)
the longest lasting Chinese dynasty, during which the use of iron was introduced.
Neolithic Era(Origins) (Period 1)
10,000 and 8,000 BCE, called new stone age, domestication if animals and crops, slash and burn
Bronze Age (Period 1)
metallurgy originated with the use of copper in the neolithic era
Farming and Irrigation (Period 1)
Using water to help farm more efficiently Started in the middle east to china
Inter regional Trade Between Mesopotamia and Egypt
specialized labor, natural resources, wood.
Hittites (Period 1)
A people from central Anatolia who established an empire in Anatolia and Syria in the Late Bronze Age. With wealth from the trade in metals and military power based on chariot forces, they vied with New Kingdom Egypt over Syria.
Silk Production (Period 1)
A Chinese invention that became a luxury product in high demand, which was a valuable good for Chinese trade on the Silk Road
Olmecs (Period 1)
(1400 B.C.E. to 500 B.C.E.) earliest known Mexican civilization,lived in rainforests along the Gulf of Mexico, developed calendar and constructed public buildings and temples, carried on trade with other groups.priests/aristocrats were at the top of society, built a ceremonial center, wroshiped the jaguar and werejaguar, best remains are the stone carved heads at la venta, use of calendar, spread through trade, known for art, most important legacy was priestly leadership and devotion
Yellow River Civilization - Xia Dynasty (Period 1)
Huang He means Yellow River and refers to the light-colored loess soil that it picks up and deposits on the riverbank.
Unpredictable flooding led to its nickname, China’’s Sorrow.
Regular rains and fertile soil eliminated the need for an extensive irrigation system and, instead, water-control systems were developed.
Xia dynasty first attempted to organize public life on a large scale - it established the precedent for hereditary monarchical rule in China.
Legendary founder, Yu, initiated flood-control projects, organized large-scale public works, and set up formal government.
Pastoral Society (Period 1)
typically nomadic, focused on herds, not as high as agriculture but higher than hunters and gathers, various societies developed through Afro-Eurasia depending on local plants and animals, created a problem with overgrazing which caused some erosion.
Origins of Writing (Period 1)
Cuneiform, the earliest known writing, originated in Mesopotamia.
• Record keeping for trade purposes became necessary as society became increasingly more complex.
• Sumerians developed a writing system based on pictures (pictographs) in which symbols were made on wet clay and then baked.
• Egyptians developed hieroglyphs—symbols that represent sounds and ideas.
• One example of job specialization was the scribe, who prepared legal and other documents (developed as an occupation).
Chavin (Period 1)
the first major South American civilization, which flourished in the highlands of what is now Peru from about 900 to 200 B.C.
Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age) (Period 1)
predates agricultural societies, extended families grew into clans, turned into tribes with chiefs and leaders, organized warfare with advanced weapons, ability to control fire, worship of deities, expression through art and music.