Pericles: important dates/people/events/policies Flashcards
when was he born?
495 BC
date of first speech in Ekklesia
470 BC
date of first democratic reform and what was it?
462-1 BC, strip Areopagus of judicial power –> Heliaea
date of second democratic reform and what was it?
461 BC, jury pay
date of third democratic reform and what was it?
458 BC, payment for political offices, allow zeugitae to be archon
date of fourth democratic reform and what was it?
451 BC, Pericles citizenship reform
ostracism of Cimon:
461 BC
when was cleruchies policy and eg. colonies
448 BC, Naxos, Thrace, Andros, Cheronese
building program:
448 BC
Pericles as Strategoi years
445 - 430 BC
start of Peloponnesian war
431 BC
Pericles death:
429 BC
Damon of Oa, Zeno of Eleatic, Anaxagoras
Who was Aspasia:
mistress, bore two sons, targeted
Who was Pheidias
sculptor, of Athena statue, targeted
Who was Ephialtes:
leader of people faction, assasinated
when did Ephialtes die:
461 BC
year of prominence:
461 BC
when was Delian League treasury moved to Athens:
454 BC
Pericles father:
Xanthippus, politician and strategos
Pericles mother:
Agariste, one of the Alcmaeonids –> involved with politics,
Pericles uncle:
Cleisthenes, government reform
when was Peace of Callias
449 BC
Battle of Samos:
440 BC