Athenian Society: Social Structure & political organisation Flashcards
what was a polis?
self governing city state, independant, included its own agora/sacred temple site and fortified, own government, laws, military –> share similar culture/religion
Solon’s four classes:
thetes, zeugitai, hippies, pentakosiomedimnoi
who was pentakosiomedimnoi?
top class: make more than 500 measures/yr, access to highest ranking offices: strategoi/archon, vote, jury/assembly member/boule
second class: also cavalry, afford horse, 300-500 measures
second lowest class, farmers –> hoplites, up to 200 measures, pericles 458 reform allowed to be archonship and other democratic roles
lowest class, less than 200 measures, artisans and labourers, not able to join Boule, could vote and be juror, slingers/archers/rowers
commanders of army/navy –> 10 generals, elected, could hold office consecutively, usually from Pent. class but could also be hippies/zeugitai, oversee Piraeus/recruit allies
1000 horsemen, maintain horse and protect flanks of phalanx –> assist army by border control/fighting combat
common foot soldiers, phalanx formation, pus through enemy phalanx, needed to be of strength, zeugitai class, needed own bronze armour/weapons
thetes role in military:
both navy–> rowers, important as navy dominant
army–> slingers, arches, lightly-armed infantry men
role of women:
domestic, under kyrios (guardian), funeral –> mourning/prothesis, washing, preparing body in ritual, festival –> priestess
metics role:
Gomme: 10% of population
important –> payed taxes, go through military training, rowers, flute players, cant own land, not citizen, involved in trade/industry
status of women:
lower than men, by class, no political/legal rights,
role/features of military:
feature: military service/training compulsory at 18 –> after then considered athenian citizen,
army –> small in comparison, only defensive role
navy –> more sig. protect/maintenance of Athenian empire, secure trade routes, protect allies, suppress revolts,
slaves role:
owned by state/private, worked mines, houses,
structure/features of democracy: boule
council of 500, prytanies, proposes law for ekklesia
structure/features of democracy: heliaea
jury, law court
structure/features of democracy: ekklesia
assembly, vote on laws
structure/features of democracy: strategia
group of 10 generals