Perianal Abscess + Fistula Flashcards
def of perianal abscess
pus collection in perianal region
def of perianal fistula
an abnormal chronically infected tract communicating between the perianal skin and either anal canal or rectum
how are perianal abcesses classified
on location:
1 submucous
2 subcutaneous
how are perianal fistulas classified
Park's classification: 2 intersphincteric (most common) 3 transsphincteric 4 suprasphincteric 5 extrasphincteric
obstruction + stasis of anal crypt glands leads to infection which spreads to perianal tissues
produces abscesses
how do abscesses form fistula
fistulae develop once abscess discharges
1 diverticulitis
2 crohns
3 childbirth
4 malignancy (rectal carcinoma)
1 constant throbbing pain in the perinuem
2 with fistulae: intermittant discharge
what is the perineum
between anus and scrotum/uvula
1 tender perianal swelling
2 or small skin opening with discharge
3 PR: an area of hardening indicating abscess/fistula
1 bloods
-FBC, CRP/ESR, blood cultures if pyrexial
2 MRI for complex fistulae
3 endoanal USS
1 open drainage of abscess
-incision + drainage
2 laying open of fistula
-probe to explore tract
3 low fistulae (fistulotomy to cut away diseased tissue to allow healing)
4 high fistulae (must preserve anal sphincter to prevent incontinence, Seton, suture which allows drainage)
when are antibiotics used
1 recurrence
2 severe sepsis
3 surgery: incontinence
high recurrence rate
what is goodsalls rule
internal opening of fistula is dependent on location of external opening of fistula
1 IO anterior to anal canal - direct tract
2 IO posterior to anal canal - complex, curved tract
what is the management with perinanal fistula secondary to crohns disease
drain acute sepsis
maintain drainage by use of setons (suture which allows drainage)