Liver Failure Flashcards
severe liver dysfunction leading to
- jaundice
- encephalopathy
- coagulopathy
what are the different classifications of liver failure
1 hyperacute liver failure
-jaundice with encephalopathy occuring in <7days
2 acute
-jaundice with encephalopathy occuring within 1-4wks of onset
3 subacute
-jaundice with encephalopathy occuring within 4-12wks of onset
4 acute-on-chronic
-acute deterioration (decompensation) in patients with CLD
1 viral -hep A,B,D,E 2 drugs -paracetamol 3 less common -autoimmune hep -budd-chiari syndrome -haemochromatosis
how does liver failure cause jaundice
decreased secretion of conjugated bilirubin
how does liver failure cause encephalopathy
increased delivery of gut-derived products into systemic circulation + brain from decreased extraction of nitrogenous products by liver + portal systemic shunting
how does liver failure cause coagulopathy
decreased synthesis of clotting factors
decreased platelets
when would you find decreased platelets in liver failure
hypersplenism if chronic portal hypertension
1 may be asymptomatic
2 fever + nausea
3 possibly jaundice
1 jaundice 2 encephalopathy 3 asterixis 4 ascites 5 bruising/bleeding
what is fetor hepaticus
smell of ‘pear drops’
liver failure
what is kayser-fleischer rings
dark rings around the iris due to copper deposition caused by wilsons disease
1 identify cause -viral serology -paracetamol levels -autoantibodies 2 bloods -FBC (low Hb if GI bleed, high WCC if infection) -UEs (hepatorenal failure) -LFTs (high bilirubin, low albumin) -coagulation (high PT) 3 imaging 4 ascitic fluid 5 doppler scan
what is the most sensitive marker of liver function
PT time
why would ascitic fluid be tapped
to exclude SBP (spontaneous bacterial peritonitis)
>250neutrophil/mm3 indicates SBP
why would a doppler scan of hepatic + portal veins be taken
to exclude budd-chiari syndrome
1 resuscitation
2 treat cause
3 treat complications
4 surgery
how would you treat a paracetamol overdose
how would you treat complications in liver failure
1 invasive ventilation + CVS support 2 monitoring 3 manage encephalopathy -lactulose + phosphate enemas 4 antibiotics + antifungal prophylaxis 5 manage coagulopathy -IV vitamin K -FFP -platelet infusions 6 gastric mucosa protection -PPIs
what should be avoided in treatment of liver failure
sedatives or drugs metabolised by the liver
how would cerebral oedema in a patient with liver failure be managed
decrease temp to 30degrees
decreased intracranial pressure with mannitol
what are the kings college hospital criteria for liver transplantation
1 due to paracetamol overdose -arterial pH <7.3 OR -PT >100s, creatinine >300 + severe encephalopathy 2 other causes (3/5 required) -age <10yrs or >40yrs -bilirubin >300 -by nonA, nonE viral hepatitis or drugs -interval between jaundice + encephalopathy is >7days -PT> 100s
1 infection 2 coagulopathy 3 hypoglycaemia 4 electrolyte/pH disturbances 5 hepatorenal failure 6 cerebral oedema + increased intracranial pressure
dependent on cause + severity
those requiring surgery often have poor prognosis