Performance Measures Flashcards
how an organization uses its activities and resources to achieve its objectives (usually to ethically maximize financial value)
the performance measures used to ensure hte strategy of the organization is being executed and to monitor perofrmance
Balanced scorecard perspective that focuses on return on investment and other supporting financial performance measures (ex. profitability, ROI, revenue growth)
Financial perspective
Balanced scorecard perspective that focusdes on performance in areas that are most critical to hte customer (ex. customer satisfaction, customer retention)
Customer perspective
Balanced scorecard perspective that focuses on operating effectively and efficiently and includes performance measures on cost, quality and time for processes that are critical to the customers (ex. #defects, cycle time)
Internal business processes perspective
Balanced scorecard perspective htat focuses on perofrmance measures relating ot employees, infrastructure, teaming and capabilities necessary for hte internal processes ot achieve customer and financial objectives (ex. employee satisfaction, training, IT expenditures/employee
Learning and growth perspective
The sequence of business processes in which usefulness is added to products/services of a company ahnd includes innovation, operations, and post-sales
value chain
Diagrams of the cause-and-effect relationships between strategic objectives
strategy maps
The use of only financial performance measures in a strategic management system (i.e. only those that add financial vlaue)
Value-based managment (VBM)
A Value-Based Managment performance measure that is based on the premise of “pay for performance” and is often used for incentive compensation, resource allocation, and investor relations
Economic Value Added (EVA)
Net income (income after taxes)- interest on investment
Residual income
The difference between ROI and the required interest rate (cost of capital)
A grapical way to look at the relationship between residual income and ROI
Residual Income profile
Accounting profit-cost of capital
Economic profit
The difference between “cash in” and “cash out”
Market value added (MVA)
The original cost of the investment
Gross book value