What is the MACTOW CG to use Alternate CG on the OPT for pax and freighter?
- Pax - 26%
- Freighter - 28%
When is the Assumed Temperature not authorized?
- Alternate EEC mode operation;
- Contaminated Runways;
- Potential Windshear conditions exist;
- At pilots discretion full thrust can be used.
The Commander may request a new OFP if the ZFW changes by…
2.0 tons or more.
All weights including fuel may be amended (LMC). The LMC limit for an individual LMC or total LMC shall be:
500 kg
After a LMC it is mandatory to check the following:
- ZFW, TOW and LW limits are not exceeded (Structural and Performance);
- Take-off performance calculations are validated using the revised TOW and TOWOCG;
- Loading limitations are not exceeded.
What should be done if the LMC is greater than 500 kg?
- New ACARS or computer loadsheet required;
- In case of a manual loadsheet, ament loadsheet figures and issue a new trim sheet.
Taxi fuel consumption:
2400 kgs/hr (rule of thumb)
Maximum taxi speed
- 30 kts
- 10 kts - for slippery surface
Crew may exceed these limits when backtracking on an active runway.
Minimum width of runway
45 meters.
Unless a specific airport risk assessment has been carried out and reflected in either the CCI page or a briefing package, where applicable.
For contaminated runways: 30 meters
Aircraft ICAO and FAA codes for Taxi limitations
- FAA: V
Best Rate of Climb Speed
- Flaps UP maneuver speed + 60 knots until intercepting M .82; or
- Vref 30 + 140 knots
Best Angle of Climb Speed
On VNAV CLIMB page of the FMC
Aircraft Approach Categories
777-200LR - C (D for circling)
777-300ER & 777-F - D
Standby Fuel
3 tons below flight plan fuel
APU Fuel Burn
- Ground Consumption - 240 kg/hour;
- In-flight Consumption - +2.5% for the APU Door being open and 90 kg/hour.
Fuel Uplift Check
- Actual Uplift - Calculated Uplift = Uplift Difference (Tolerence +2.000kg, -1.000kg)
- Uplift Difference : Calculated Uplift = % Difference Tolerance ±5%
Jettison Rates
- Center Tank Fuel - 2,500 kg/min
- No Center Tank Fuel - 1,400 kg/min
- 2/3 of Jettison Fuel = Time in minutes (Rule of Thumb)
Maximum Tire Speed
Takeoff - 204 knots
Landing - 226 knots
Ref.: B777 AFM