Aborted Engine Start L, R
- FUEL CONTROL Switch (affected side) - CUTOFF
Airspeed Unreliable
- Autopilot disconnect switch - Push
- A/T ARM switches (both) - OFF
- F/D switches (both) - OFF
- Set the following gear up pitch attitude and thrust:
- Flaps extended - 10° degrees and 85% N1
- Flaps up - 4° degrees and 70% N1
- Don oxygen masks.
- Establish crew communications.
- Check the cabin altitude and rate.
- IF the cabin altitude is uncontrollable:
- PASS OXYGEN switch - Push to ON and hold for 1 second
- Without delay, descend to the lowest safe altitude or 10,000 feet, whichever is higher.
- To descend:
- Move the thrust levers to idle;
- Extend the speedbrakes;
- IF structural integrity is in doubt, limit airspeed and avoid high maneuvering loads.
- Descend at Vmo/Mmo.
Dual Eng Fail / Stall
- FUEL CONTROL switch (both) - CUTOFF, then RUN
- RAM AIR TURBINE switch - Push and hold for 1 second
- FUEL CONTROL switch (affected side) - CUTOFF
Eng Lim / Surge / Stall L, R
- A/T ARM switch (affected side) - Confirm - OFF
- Thrust lever (affected side) - Confirm - Retard until engine indications stay within limits or the thrust lever is at idle
Eng Svr Damage / Sep L, R
- A/T ARM switch (affected side) - Confirm - OFF
- Thrust lever (affected side) - Confirm - Idle
- FUEL CONTROL switch (affected side) - Confirm - CUTOFF
- Engine fire switch (affected side) - Confirm - Pull
- A/T ARM switch (afected side) - Confirm - OFF
- Thrust lever (affected side) - Confirm - Idle
- FUEL CONTROL switch (affected side) - Confirm - CUTOFF
- Engine fire switch (affected side) - Confirm - Pull
- IF the FIRE ENG message shows:
- Engine fire switch (affected side) - Rotate to the stop and hold for 1 second.
- STAB cutout switches (both) - CUTOUT
- Do not exceed the current airspeed
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
15 knots
Severe Turbulent Air Penetration Speed
- 270 knots below 25,000 feet;
- 280 knots or 0.82 Mach whichever is lower at 25,000 feet and above;
- Maintain a minimum speed of 15 knots above the minimum maneuvering speed at all altitudes when airspeed is below 0.82 Mach.
HF Radio
Do not operate HF radios during refueling operations.
Weather radar
Avoid weather radar operation in a hangar.
Autopilot minimum engage altitude
200 feet AGL after takeoff
Autopilot must be disengaged…
Below 200 feet AGL, without LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated.
Maximum allowable wind speeds (including gusts) on autoland operations
- Headwind - 25 knots
- Tailwind - 15 knots
- Crosswind - 25 knots (15 - USA)
Maximum and minimum glideslope angle for Automatic Landing:
Maximum - 3.25° degrees
Minimum - 2.5° degrees
FLCH on final approach
Do not use it below 1,000 feet AFE
Reverse Thrust limitations…
- Intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight is prohibited;
- Backing the airplane with use of reverse thrust is prohibited.
Control inputs (AFM Limitations)
Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g. large side slip angles) as they may result in structural failure at any speed, including below Va.
Maximum altitude with flaps extended
20,000 feet
Minimum oil quantity limit
No minimum (FCTM Chapter 8)
Condition statement for Eng Lim/Surge/Stall non-normal checklist
One or more of these occur:
- Engine indications are abnormal;
- Engine indications are quickly nearing or show an exceedance;
- abnormal engine noises are heard, possibly with airframe vibration;
- There is no response to thrust lever movement or the response is abnormal;
- Flames in the engine inlet or exhaust are reported.