Take-off is permitted in light freezing rain but is not permitted in:
- Moderate or heavy freezing rain (FZRA);
- Heavy ice pellets (+PL);
- Continuous heavy snow (+SN), unless under specific provisions laid down in OM-C 10.2.3;
- Hail;
- Small hail (GS), unless under specific provisions laid down in OM-C 10.2.3, and;
- Any frozen contaminate adhering to any of the aircraft critical surface.
A runway is considered to be Contaminated when its surface is…
covered more than 25% with any depth of compacted snow or ice; or with more than 3 mm of water, slush, wet snow or dry snow.
According to the FCOM, Supplementary Procedures, Icing conditions exist when:
OAT (on the ground) or TAT (in-flight) is 10°C or below and any of the following exists:
- Visible moisture (clouds, fog visibility less than 1 statute mile (1600 m) or less, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals, and so on) is present, or
- Ice, snow, slush, or standing water is present on the ramps, taxiways, or runways.
Colors are used as a visual aid in the application of De-icing/Anti-icing fluids. The color for each type of fluid are:
Type I - Orange;
Type II - Colorless or a pale straw color;
Type III - Light yellow;
Type IV - Emerald green.
What information shall be entered into the Tech Log following a De-icing/Anti-icing procedure?
- Type of fluid used of the final application;
- Ratio of the fluid mixture of the final application;
- Specific fluid brand name (if used for HOT calculation);
- Time in UTC of start of the final application.
When the holdover time protection expires?
- At the commencement of take-off roll (due to aerodynamic shedding of fluid), or
- When frozen deposits start to form or accumulate on treated aircraft surfaces, thereby indicating the loss of effectiveness of the fluid (fluid failure).
The beginning of holdover time is defined as:
The time that the application of the final fluid layer was started.
Holdover time is dependent upon:
- Type of fluid treatment;
- Temperature;
- Precipitation rate;
- Precipitation type;
- Humidity;
- Wind velocity;
- Jet blast and other factors, may considerably shorten the protection time.
Does Emirates permits de/anti-icing with engines ON?
Yes. But only at specifically designated stations. Information regarding those stations currently approved for engines ON treatment are contained in LIDO CCI pages.
When Cold Temperature Altitude Corrections is NOT needed?
- While under ATC radar vectors;
- When maintaining an ATC assigned flight level (FL);
- When reported airport temperature is above 0°C;
- When the ISA temperature deviation at the applicable minimum altitude is less than stated in OM-C, or
- When the airport temperature is at or above the minimum published temperature for the procedure being flown.
Note: If the temperature is outside the published temperature limits of the respective approach procedure, use LNAV approach minima, if available, and apply cold temperature altitude corrections according OM-C
If the destination OAT is likely to be less than 20°C at time of arrival, the aircraft shall not be planned to land with more than which quantity of fuel?
12 tons. The figure is a planning restriction only and does not apply to aircraft once airborne. The restriction does not apply if:
- Fuel is being carried for operational reasons, such as destination alternate requirements, or lack of fuel availability at destination;
- The flight is planned with a short flight time (up to 2 hours) or low altitude cruise where fuel is unlikely to become cold soaked;
- If the scheduled ground time of the aircraft at the destination exceeds 12 hours.
When establishing Snowfall intensity as a function of prevailing visibility (OM-C can the RVR value be used?
No. RVR values should not be used with the OM-C table.
The Company policy with respect to operations in ground icing conditions is…
“Make It Clean and Keep It Clean”
Who have the final responsibility for ensuring the aircraft is free of all contaminants and is safe to fly?
The Commander but all flight crew and cabin crew members have the responsibility to advise the Commander of any observed or suspected contamination of the critical surfaces.
When can a PCI be used to extend holdover time?
When using fluids Type II, III or IV and then, only when the applicable minimum holdover time equals or exceeds :20 minutes.
What must be done if Cabin Crew or Passengers express concern about precipitation accumulation over the wings?
PCI (Pre-Takeoff Contamination Inspection)
What is the Holdover time if a Brand Specific Type II or IV fluid is not identified in the OM-C tables?
The Captain is authorized to use the more conservetive generic Type II or IV table.
The Cabin Crew and Passenger should be advise before deicing procedures?
Yes! Communication with pax and cabin crew regarding deicing is mandatory. It is Emirates policy to advise the cabin crew during preflight briefing and the passengers prior to engine start that de-icing will be taking place.
It’s OK to dispatch an aircraft with an inoperative APU to an airport where de-icing may be required?
No! Unless engine ground start facilities are available.
What is the holdover time if other than published diluted fluid (100:0; 75:25; 50:50) concentrations are used?
The more conservative holdover time and LOUT associated with either dilution or below the selected dilution are applicable.
Can you extend the holdover time via PCI when using Type I fluids for anti-icing?
No. A PCI can only to extend the holdover time when using fluids Type II, III or IV.
What the Commander should do if a CSI or PCI indicates that the fluid has failed?
He must ensure that a complete de-icing using heated fluid, with removal of all residues from the previous treatment is performed prior to any further anti-icing treatment being applied.
What should be done if the Flaps are left extended after landing?
- Tech log entry;
- Aircraft Maintenance Manual procedure to de-ice as applicable.
If the Runway is contaminated what restrictions apply in regards of performance and who can operate?
- Captain Takeoff
- TOGA Thrust
What is the minimum cleared runway width for an B777?
Fuel freezing point for Jet-A, Jet-A1 and TS-1 or RT:
- Jet-A: -40°C
- Jet-A1: -47°C
- TS-1 or RT: -50°C
If you mix Jet-A (-40°C) and Jet-A1 (-47°C) during refueling. What’s the fuel freezing point you have to consider?
- If Jet-A1 is less than 90% of the final fuel, use -40°C;
- If Jet-A1 is more than 90% of the final fuel, use -47°C.
If the aircraft does not accelerate properly during take-off…
Take-off shall be abandoned immediately.
If the forecast says there’s risk of icing during the initial climb or reports that the anti-icing system may not be able to cope with the expected ice accretion…
Take-off shall not be commenced.