Conditions where the flight crew must land at nearest suitable airport according to the QRH:
- Non-normal checklist that includes the item “Plan to land at the nearest suitable airport”;
- Fire or smoke continues;
- Only 1 AC power source remains (main generator, APU generator, or backup power system [both generators]);
- Any other situation determined by the flight crew to have a significant adverse effect on safety if the flight is continued.
The pilot flying calls for the non-normal checklist when…
- The flight path is under control;
- The airplane is not in a critical phase of flight (such as takeoff or landing);
- All memory itens are complete.
The word “Confirm” is added to checklist items when both crewmembers must verbally agree before action is taken. Verbal confirmation is required for:
- An autothrottle arm switch;
- An engine thrust lever;
- A fuel control switch;
- An engine or APU fire switch, or a cargo fire arm switch;
- A generator drive disconnect switch.
When the verbal confirmation (“Confirm”) does not apply?
Dual Eng Fail/Stall checklist
Emirates Decision-Making Model
Boeing Manage Model
R… Recognition of the Non-Normal
A… Airplane Control
A… Analyze the Situation
T… Take the Proper Action
E… Evaluate the Need to Land
Pilot Monitoring Intervention Model
Take Over
What oil indication is considered the most significant of several oil system indicators?
Oil Pressure
Minimum oil quantity limit
No minimum (FCTM Chapter 8)
What is the intent of having memorized Pitch and Thrust settings for Airspeed Unreliable?
The intent is to quickly put the airplane in a safe regime until the Airspeed Unreliable checklist can be referenced.
Why the Fuel Leak non-normal checklist directs the crew to shutdown the affected engine?
- It closes the Spar Valve, which stops the leak. This prevents the loss of fuel which could result in a low fuel state.
- Fire potential is increased when fuel is leaking around the engine. The risk increases when thrust reverser is used during landing.
When landing with flat main gear tire(s) can you use autobrake?
No! Flat main gear tire(s) cause a general loss of braking effectiveness and a yawing moment toward the flat tire with light or no braking and a yawing moment away from the flat tire if the brakes are applied harder. Maximum reverse thrust is recommended.
Foam Carpet Policy
It is Company policy NOT to request a foam carpet for an emergency landing.
While considering between an Evacuation and the Precautionary Disembarkation the Captain must carefully consider all factors. These include, but are not limited to:
- The urgency of the situation, including the possibility of significant injury or loss of life if a significant delay occurs;
- The type of threat to the airplane, including structural damage, fire, reported bomb on board, etc;
- The possibility of fire spreading rapidly from spilled fuel or other flammable materials;
- The extent of damage to the airplane;
- The possibility of passenger injury during an emergency evacuation using escape slides. If in doubt, the crew should consider an emergency evacuation using the escape slides.
With One Engine Inoperative what is the target pitch attitude during takeoff?
Approximately 3° to 4° degrees below the normal all engine pitch attitude resulting in a 11° to 12° degrees target pitch attitude.
What is the rate of rotation with an engine inoperative?
Slightly slower than normal takeoff (1/2° degree per second) resulting in a rotation rate of approx. 1.5° to 2.0° degrees per second.
During initial climb with One Engine Inoperative, what is the commanded speed by the flight director?
Minimum of V2, or the existing speed up to a maximum of V2 + 15 knots.
On the EK Decision Making Model. What “Assess” means?
Assess the problem:
- Aviate, Navigate, Comunicate - Protect this task;
- Comunication - Stay below the line;
- Diagnose - What is wrong? Identify, verify;
- Check - C/Bs and switches.
Set a bottom line for safety. Do NOT rush.
On the EK Decision Making Model. What “Action” means?
Action the problem:
- Keep your partner in the loop;
- If you need to - “stop the checklist”.
Observe your bottom line for safety. Do NOT rush.
On the EK Decision Making Model. What “Manage” means?
Manage the needs of task, group, individual.
Assess and assign priorities to the needs.
Remember that in complex situations, the Captain must manage. This may mean that the F/O is best assigned the task of flying. Achieving the best solution demands good teamwork. Good teamwork needs good communication. Good communication means the effective transfer of information.
What Emirates means by the phrase “stay below the line”?
Emirates uses the phrase to help crews focus on the issues related to the problem before taking action. The line in question determines whether the discussion is centered on the problem (below the line) or on solutions to the problem (above the line). By staying below the line as much as possible, a better understanding of the problem itself can be gained.
Actions for a predictive windshear warning during takeoff roll (“WINDSHEAR AHEAD, WINDSHEAR AHEAD”):
- Pior to V1, reject takeoff
- After V1, perform the Windshear Escape Maneuver
Actions for windshear encountered during takeoff roll:
- If windshear is encountered prior to V1, there may not be sufficient runway remaining to stop if an RTO is initiated at V1. At VR, rotate at a normal rate toward a 15 degree pitch attitude. Once airborne, perform the Windshear Escape Maneuver.
- If windshear is encountered near the normal rotation speed and airspeed suddenly decreases, there may not be sufficient runway left to accelerate back to normal takeoff speed. If there is insufficient runway left to stop, initiate a normal rotation at least 2,000 feet before the end of the runway even if airspeed is low. Higher than normal attitudes may be required to lift off in the remaining runway. Ensure maximum thrust is set.
- Actions if predictive windshear warning during approach (“GO-AROUND, WINDSHEAR AHEAD” aural):
- Actions if windshear encountered in flight:
- Perform Windshear Escape Maneuver or, at pilot’s discretion, perform a normal go-around;
- Perform the Windshear Escape Maneuver
What are the indications that the airplane is in Windshear?
- Windshear warning (two-tone siren followed by “WINDSHEAR, WINDSHEAR, WINDSHEAR”);
- Unacceptable flight path deviations. These deviations are recognized as uncontrolled changes from normal state flight conditions below 1000 feet AGL, in excess of any of the following:
- 15 knots IAS;
- 500 FPM vertical speed;
- 5 degrees pitch attitude;
- 1 dot displacement from the glideslope;
- Unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time.