What is the difference between selecting WET and SLIPPERY WET in the TODC/LDC?
The TODC/LDC uses different frictions for the ground roll calculation. WET uses Boeing defined wet friction data and SLIPPERY WET uses MEDIUM friction data.
(NORDIC OM B 4.6.8)
Explain Approach Climb.
The approach climb-limited mass is the maximum mass at which the aeroplane can maintain a 2,1% gradient with the most critical engine inoperative at the appropriate missed approach flap setting with the landing gear retracted. The speed cannot be more than 1.4 V
Explain Landing Climb.
The landing climb-limited mass is the maximum mass at which the aeroplane can maintain a 3.2% gradient with ALL engines operating with a climb speed of VREF at the appropriate landing flap setting with the landing gear EXTENDED. The engines are operating at the thrust produced 8 seconds after advancing the throttles from the idle stop.
How much meters does the 737 PERF calculator in the EFB use from treshold to touchdown?
The 737 PERF and QRH uses a fixed value of 457 m for the NGs and 7 seconds for the MAX.