Percutaneous delivery of cosmetic actives to the skin Flashcards
Types of transepidermal routes
essentials for characterization of actives
Molecular weight dissociation constant solubility octanol/water partition coefficient net ionic charge
Penetration ability based on ionic charge
un-ionized penetrates better than ionized
penetration can be enhanced by keeping the pH of the formulation close to
pKa of active
Optimal partition coefficient
intermediate (log P O/W 1-3)
- adequate solubility within lipid domains of SC to permit diffusion
- sufficient hydrophilic nature to allow partitioning into viable tissues of epidermis
What is partition coefficient
ratio of concentrations of an active molecule in oil and water phases in the skin, due to the fact most compounds are soluble to some extent in both organic and aqueous phases.
Formulation strategies to enhance skin penetration
- Increasing drug diffusion in the skin
- increasing drug solubility in the skin
- increasing degree of saturation of drug in formulation
The ability of vehicles to deliver actives is based on
diffusion of actives through various skin compartments (epidermis and dermis)
Partitioning of actives from dosage form is highly dependent on
relative solubility of active in components of delivery system and SC
Sequence of percutaneous absorption
- Partitioning of molecule from applied vehicle phase –> SC
- molecular diffusion through SC
- Partitioning from SC –>viable epidermis
- diffusion through epidermis/upper dermis/capillary uptake
Supersaturation boosts active penetration by
creating diffusional concentration gradient across SC
Eutectic blends increase solubility of a material in skin lipids by
lowering melting point of active to around or below skin temperature
Ultimate goal of penetration enhancement
target active in SC and/or epidermis without allowing for systemic absorption
effect of alcohol on delivery
fluidizes SC
alters permeability of SC
effect of propylene glycol on delivery
alter permeability of SC
alter vehicle SC partition coefficient