Perception part 1 Flashcards
What is sensation?
The detection of physical energy by the sense organs, which then send information to the brain.
What is perception?
The brains interpretation of raw sensory input.
Perception is how we know anything about our
How is sensation connected to perception?
The sensation is detected by the sensory organs then analysed by the brain to form a complete percept.
What is transduction?
The process by which characteristics of a stimulus are converted into nerve impulses.
What is top-down processing?
When a stimuli are perceived using prior knowledge about their characteristics.
What is bottom-up processing?
When the sensation (stimulus) isn’t fully understood and is interpreted to form a complete idea (percept) of the stimulus.
Starts with small details, builds up to overall perception.
It is data driven; learning from what your sensations tell you.
What is the role that attention has in perception?
Attention is when we focus our awareness on particular stimuli while ignoring (shadowing) the others. Conserves mental energy by focusing on what is deemed important.
What is shadowing in the context of perception?
Shadowing is when a person’s attention, and therefore awareness, is shifted away from particular stimuli to focus on different stimuli.
The person is aware of these stimuli and can perceive them but chooses not to through their own volition: they’re shadowed.
What is inattentional blindness?
The failure to perceive certain stimuli while attending to other stimuli.
The stimuli register in the nervous system but do not enter into the person’s awareness.
What two factors affect a person’s attention to stimuli?
- The nature of the stimulus (environmental)
- Personal factors
What are 3 characteristics of stimuli that effectively capture our attention?
- Intensity
- Novelty
- Movement
What are 2 person factors that influence our attention to stimuli?
Motives and Interests
Change blindness
What is involved in the process of perception?
Perception involves cognitive processes and memory.
It’s an Active and complex process.
It’s not necessarily deliberate/conscious.
What are some practical applications of studying perception?
Awareness of perceptual failures can enhance
safety – e.g. improved sensory guidance for blind people.