Perception Flashcards
what is perception
conscious experience that results from stimulation of the senses
combines outside world(visual stimuli) and inner world (prior knowledge)
recognize, organize, interpret info
what is an example of perception
reading, seeing the letters, using info of shapes and combination of letters to make words, then sentences
what is form/shape perception
sensory processes transform, organize info provided by sensory receptors
stimuli compared w/ other info in memory
we gr into categories (properties, features, context)
Bottom-up processing (data driven)
info from stimulus reaches sensory receptors, triggers pattern recognition process
combination of simple features allows global recognition
two lines = t, brain puts info together
top-down processing (concept driven)
prior knowledge of how the world is organized helps identify forms
expectations = recognize shapes more easily (draw from what we know to interpret new info)
stroop effect: reading vs saying colour of the ink
hike: saw car, noise of branches cracking could be them walking down
what are the 5 principles of pattern recognition
- recognize quickly and accurately
- recognize and classify unfamiliar objects
- recognize shapes from different angles
- accurately identify shapes when partly hidden
- recognize with ease and automaticity
what are the pattern recognition theories
- template matching
- prototype
- recognition by components
- Feature detection
what is the face recognition task of gender identification
male vs female faces
participants can guess gender w/ gender cues 96%
21% errors when upside down
what was the face recognition task with the house and its conclusions
Present face, then house, then parts of both and need to guess which they have seen before
recognize faces globally (relationship btw the features is most imp in face recognition)
can recognize house more isolated parts
what is face blindness
ppl lose the ability to recognize faces
can identify male/female, young/old but not familiarity
what is the perception pathway
the what pathway
from visual cortex to temporal lobe
what is the action pathway
the where/how pathway
from visual cortex to parietal lobe
what 2 pathways are needed to take action like lifting a coffee cup
perception and action pathway
how are illusions used to alter perceptions
curved lines on dresses: silhouette
curtains to the ceiling: taller room
contour makeup: bone structure
mirror in small areas
how is human perception superior to machine intelligence
have ability to judge more about the context, environment
can induce/infer more and easily
accumulate SO MUCH info since we are born
perceive obj when it is hidden
recognize contours when blurred
can move around objects to perceive different angles