Percentages Flashcards
What percentage of people in the United States will develop acute appendicitis?
What percentage of people in the United States will develop acute appendicitis?
What is the acceptable percentage of normal appendices removed with the preoperative diagnosis of appendicitis?
Up to 20%; it is better to remove some normal appendices than to miss a case of acute appendicitis, which could result in a ruptured appendix
In what percentage of cases can ultrasound diagnose cholelithiasis?
In what percentage of cases does a lower GI bleed stop spontaneously?
In what percentage of cases does a UGI bleed stop spontaneously?
What percentage of patients undergoing laparotomy develop a postoperative small bowel obstruction at some time later?
What percentage of American women develop breast cancer?
What percentage of patients with acute appendicitis will have a radiopaque fecalith on abdominal x-ray (AXR)?
Only about 5%
What percentage of patients with gallstones will have ra- diopaque gallstones on AXR?
What percentage of kidney stones are radiopaque on AXR?
At 6 weeks, wounds have achieved what percentage of their total tensile strength?
What percentage of patients with ARDS will die?
What percentage of the population have a Meckel’s diverticulum?
What is the risk of appendiceal rupture
24 hours after the onset of symptoms?