People In The Business Flashcards
Organisation structure
- .you can organise by function
- can organise by product
- you can organise by region
Organisational structure
Organisational structure
Business are organised into Hierachies
Organisations can be centralised/Decentralised
The structure of a business can change over time
Effects of expansion-communication
*as firms grow they tend to become more hierachical with many layers of managment
A long chain of communication is a problem
And so is a wide span of control
*Span control=number of workers who report to one manager in a hierarchy
Staff training
Induction training is for New staff:
~induction training=introduces the new employee to their workplace
~includes introducing them to their fellow workers/telling them about company rules-includes health and safety rules
~should help to make new employee feel welcome/comfortable in their new place of work
On-the-Job Training is learning by Doing
~most common form of training
~also called internal training
~it is cost effective for the employer because person continues to work while learning
~problem~is that it is often taught by a colleagur -so bad working practices can be passed on
Off-the-Job training can be internal/external:
~happens when thd person learns away from their workplace
~external training=happens outside the business
~more expensive than on-the-job training /sometimes not as directly related to the actual job
~often hifger quality because its taught by people who are better qualified to train than others
Appraisal helps to identify training needs:
~appraisal process helps managers to keep tracl of employees progess and needs:
3 stages:
1.worker and their manager agree the workers peformance targets for the year
- During the year training and other resources are provided to help the worker meet the targets
- At the end of the year they meet again to discuss how well the targeya were met
Staff motivation and Retention
~staff can be motivated with Remuneration
~Training can also boost motivation
Motivation can be affected by styles of managent: 1.Authoritarian 2.Paternalistic 3 Democratic 4.Laissez-faire
~staff Retention is about keeping hold of Good workers